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I can't beleive the level of disrespect I've received in the last 24 hours.


If you haven't read my other posts please seek them out and do so, it might answer a few questions.


I've put hours of effort into the community in game and on the forums to try to help whoever I could however I could. I love it here.


When there was a cry for money yesterday I donated. In fact, I donated enough to get admin powers. But I said no. I told silence I had an open mod app and I wanted to earn it the hard way like everyone else. But he insisted in giving me something - so I took mod.


Ever since then I've gotten support from a few people but I haven't heard the end of the "you paid for it" trolls. I've done my best to explain that I was donating to help, but that's not enough.


To prove that I didn't pay for mod powers - and to prove that I only wanted to help the community - I am hearby leaving xg. Hopefully this proves that the powers really aren't that important to me... And hopefully I'll save someone the headache of a troll.


It was fun. Good luck.

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Sad to hear =\ I honestly wanted you to have mod and did consider you for mod powers next promo/demo. It's your choice dude, hope you come back and you're more then welcome to play on the servers

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i can remove ur mod powers so u can work for them if u want to, cause theres def a high chance that ull get mod in the future, hopefully ull reconsider leaving though, cause u are one of the more useful members of the clan

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No what the fucking hell. No. No. nonono.


If someone is honestly disrespecting you I am legit pissed. If stego, someone who had his mod -1'd like crazy got admin. Then whatever that's his business im still not gonna let someone outright disrespect him.


Honestly Mcneo just stay dude. You are going to be a big help to our mods, you should have gotten it either way. If you leave for this you are gonna be telling us you gave up bc of some tiny kids. Don't do it.


I'm kinda pissed about this whole situation but it is what it is. Don't leave man

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Feel free to remove my powers. I'll most likely be around in game still.


I just don't like being disrespected by a community that I've tried to help. You guys that have posted so far are all good, it's not you guys.

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just don't listen to them, finding people who can help the community is not easy, please stay.

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Feel free to remove my powers. I'll most likely be around in game still.


I just don't like being disrespected by a community that I've tried to help. You guys that have posted so far are all good, it's not you guys.


Haters gonna hate; always.


I was looking at your mod request posts and skimming through your recent activity to find evidence of people flaming you, I didn't find anything but this sort of thing is what happens when someone is becoming too valuable of an asset to the community; other people notice and get jealous since they want the "prestige" and "privilege" of being a moderator and they think that by shitting on you, it will eventually increase their chances.


This is exactly what happened to me.


If you look at my earlier posts, I got flamed to shit because of my attitude and actions; if I let that shit get to me back then I wouldn't have made it this far as an admin or as a respected member of the community.


Honestly, quitting now is such a bitch move that I cannot even begin to comprehend your intent especially having read how the co-leaders and the div leaders have pretty much lauded you as the next best thing for this community.


Do what you like man, but if you quit when the going gets tough then you won't make it very far in anything you try, especially when you let a bunch of 14 year olds get to you.


Stay, and make a difference.

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Please stay. D: You are one of the few that I thought deserved mod and that paying for it merely sped up the inevitable. D: Please please stay! You will make one of the better mods for sure!

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You're not leaving. Just because some inmature kid who still thinks he's going to live in a mansion from trolling disrespected you. If you do keep your powers and you play, your powers will be needed. The many freekillers and rule breakers would play, and if there is no other mod on, or Narwhale on (he hasn't done anything but favourtism since I played), then people will QQ and you won't be able to help.


They don't see that you can only benefit.

  • You keep the server up by donating.
  • You can only help ingame.
  • Any abuse can result in a protest.

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I've had support come in from all over and I've wathced how the whole paid-mod and paid-admin thing developed throughout the day. I've even been serenaded by a mod...


I had the best intentions of trying to support this community and unfortunately it wasn't received well by others.


I like this server and the community and most of you have your head on straight and can actually see what's going on.


I'll follow your guys's lead and see where I end up and pick up from there.

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