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Idea for Donations (WoW)

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As a lot of people dont know, xG has a World of Warcraft Guild! You might ask "Why should I give a fuck, its WoW" but this is why. Due to how much WoW costs to play online, the richer gamers usually play it. So, I propose we set up some type of donation system for xG's WoW guild. It wouldnt be like hats or anything like that, but it could be something along the lines of entries to weekly armor or weapon raffles, along with a donater rank in the guild. I really dont know what goes on in the WoW guild currently, but I really think something along the lines of whats stated above might work and help out xG just enough to keep to payments in check.

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I just was proposing an idea for it so that it might be possibly used if there wasnt already one in place. Ill send im a mention @aegean

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It's $15 a month... And no most WoW players will not donate to clans/guilds real money. Also for the raffle, unless they are doing current raid content not many would want to be in it.

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Lol... anyways a couple things we can do for WoW Donators is

1. Sell gold

2. Sell runs of current or old dungeons (for transmog and easy gold)

3. Sell Material for professions

4. Take christmas photos with the guild... lolwut


I gotta really consider that though as real money couldn`t really benefit WoW so everything in-game would have to be earned by us first since we can`t just create more gold...so to speak.

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