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DukeMatch (CT Ban 1 week)

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Please take into consideration that i did in fact read the rules after being banned for a day; and i will defiantly not make those impulse decisions with out having a full understanding of what is going on around me. I can understand why the mod/admin who banned me for a week was fed up with all my other minor offenses prior, but the couch incident was defiantly a mishap on my part and i promise nothing like that will happen again.




Sam (DukeMatch)


---------- Post added at 09:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:50 PM ----------


Please take into consideration that i did in fact read the rules after being banned for a day; and i will defiantly not make those impulse decisions with out having a full understanding of what is going on around me. I can understand why the mod/admin who banned me for a week was fed up with all my other minor offenses prior, but the couch incident was defiantly a mishap on my part and i promise nothing like that will happen again.




Sam (DukeMatch)








Ban Reason : On the prison break map CanyonDam, i pressed the couches button unaware that the prisoners were ordered their and about 3 - 4 died. I was then CT banned for 1 week. Also earlier that week i was CT banned for a day for dropping my pistol near a prisoner and it was looked upon as gun planting , and a few MINOR mishaps like so. So the admin or mod who banned me apparently banned for one week because "it all added up"



Unban Reason:

First off for the gun planting reason, i take responsibility for it - gun planting is a straight forward rule, but i did not intentionally do it to gun plant, i simply dropped it to close. And the other times were because i would be away looking for rebels or exploring a bit and punished for not staying near the prisoners.


For the couch reason , i was unaware that the prisoners were going to that area and i just pressed it mindlessly. Now i believe i should of been at most kicked or banned for a hour or soo off of CT, to show that im in idiot. but not for a full week... i believe that is way to exaggerated. I read the rules after i was banned for a day from the gun planting incident and i have a good understanding of them now. So banning me for a WEEK from CT for something that doesn't directly go against the rules and because of my previous offenses (that i learned from) in my opinion is obscured and is the reason why i am writing this protest/appeal.

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You were CT banned for 1 day just 3 days ago for breaking rules. I CT banned you again last night for 2 hours for repeatedly breaking rules. You were banned for a week earlier today for continuing to break rules; including gun planting, baiting, freekilling, opening cells before warden asked for them to be opened resulting in a freeday, not being with T's on multiple occasions... You've been ct-banned in the past (before 4 days ago) for similar offenses. Sorry, but you just need time to learn the rules.

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-1 , you kept breaking rules when Mullin and I were on, he decide to week CT ban you based on your previous CT bans recently

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The only time i free killed in the past 3 days was when i opened the trap door by the couches. Which is what i was banned for. Also i completely disagree when you say i was "baiting"

i have no idea where you got that idea from but that did not happen. the opening the cells part happened waay before i was banned for a day. You got the chronological order messed up because from what i know the only thing i did wrong after the one day ban was the couch incident

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I was the one who teambanned you for a day for gunplanting, but i have teambanned you at least once or twice before this as well. So, i made sure mullin and all the other admins made sure to watch you, because honestly man, you were given a bunch of chances.


You seem like an ok guy and everything but for this i think you're just gonna have to wait the week out man.


Don't think like we banned you because you accidently did one thing, this was the accumulation of all the previous offenses.

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True that dude, ive been given a lot of chances. Im just in a bad mood because i cant play on your jail break servers on the CT side for a whole week : (


I wont pull any of that petty shit again when im back.

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