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JB #1 last ct

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Hello fellow members i just have a few things regarding the last CT , its nice that the hp has been increased for whoever is the last CT and gets to go on a mass killing spree but the red lasers pointing to Ts are kinda a bad idea its good how ts know where the last ct is so they can come up with a tactic but those lasers have been making some people lag dude to fps drops or shitty integrated gfx cards, is there any way to either take those off or maybe think of a different way to improve this. Please state you're opinions and lets see what we get.

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I've never lagged, get better computers.


As for the tracer system itself I love it. I think it's more beneficial for the T's than the CT.

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Uhm, i have a really bad computer and this doesnt really make me lag. Idk if its just me?

But, i really do like the new additions. Really speeds things up :)

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Hello fellow members i just have a few things regarding the last CT , its nice that the hp has been increased for whoever is the last CT and gets to go on a mass killing spree but the red lasers pointing to Ts are kinda a bad idea its good how ts know where the last ct is so they can come up with a tactic but those lasers have been making some people lag dude to fps drops or shitty integrated gfx cards, is there any way to either take those off or maybe think of a different way to improve this. Please state you're opinions and lets see what we get.




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it gets in the way and im not talking bout just me people complain on the server bout it so im just saying but when its last ct and hes chasing like 15-20 ts and u got red lines everywhere its kinda lame

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...hes chasing like 15-20 ts and u got red lines everywhere its kinda lame...

I think its a bit overpowering to have extra health, a machine gun, and the info on where everyone is:P

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I think its a bit overpowering to have extra health, a machine gun, and the info on where everyone is:P


Yet the last CT still gets killed more often than not. The lines help the Ts as well ;)

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Yet the last CT still gets killed more often than not. The lines help the Ts as well ;)


True that. It is very helpful, and it shortens rounds, which is pretty nice when they tend to drone on forever...

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I got a glitch with it were my whole screen turned into a red orgasim, other than that i like it.


IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE: maybe instead of lasers it could be that music gets louder as he gets closer..... have disco affect (as you move away noise gets faint) and also it doesnt make me lagg a shit ton unless there's 18+ t's left (this should never really happen tho (shitty ct's)) so there is room for improvment but i still like it.....

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B.) Unlimited ammo helps

C.) Last CT still dies. A lot.

D.) Shorter rounds

E.) Lines help CTs/Ts

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Though it did ruin the hide and seek game today lol. Someone got last ct while we were doing hide and seek. The lazer thing ruined it :fatigue:

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