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Trapped in Canada

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Alright so I'm not actually trapped in Canada at the moment but I was at one point. I was just talking to @@serbiansnaga and I thought about this story and it's decent so I thought I'd share.


So anyway, if you didn't know I'm from southern Canada (Minnesota) - St. Paul to be exact. About, oh, 7-8 years ago I lived in Blaine (a suburb of St. Paul/Minneapolis) and my buddy and I decided to take a trip up to Duluth just for shits and giggles. Now, Duluth is kind of a get away city in northern Minnesota and the people that live there probably get sick of all us other Minnesotans coming for no good reason. So anyway, we get up there and decide "fuck it, we're over half way to Canada, let's do this shit" and we continue on our way.


So we continued on up and made it to the Canadian border. This was before you needed a passport to get into Canada, so armed with our driver's licenses, school ID's, and the title and insurance info on my car - we were in Canada.


Needless to say it's fucking Canada so we got bored and had nothing to do after about 3 minutes so we decided to head back. That's when we discovered that - as American citizens - we had enough documentation to leave the US and enter Canada, but we didn't have enough documentation to reenter the US.


Alas, we were stuck in Canada. We had two options: Sit in this room (kind of like an office break room) under surveillance, or reenter Canada. Again, since it was Canada, we decided fuck it and sat in the room because the TV was more entertaining than the entire country. We waiting there almost 5 hours for our family to bring social security cards and birth certificates to help confirm our identity so we could reenter the US.


And that's my story about how I got trapped in Canada.


P.S. I'm drunk right now so if you don't like my story you're Canadian.

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If you were 19 at the time, you were legal to drink in Canada since we dont demand the age of 21 to consume das alkewlhol!


I stand against Canada being boring!! We have so much to do, so much to see, so much to smoke in BC ;)

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Canada's not boring I took a trip down to Vegas one summer and I realized how much americans are ass holes not all of them... Just most of them besides it is fun up here and you cant just enter a country expecting to do some fun shit... thats like entering mexico and expecting to not get robbed.

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