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New Forum Plug in (Idea)

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So have you ever seen a forum that allows to to vote up and vote down your favorite posts.... What I meen is like the youtube thumbs up system. Well I got a plug in that can recreate that for forums that allows you to vote up posts.


LoL vs dota2 now with less trollers - League of Legends Community


This is a company based forum for League of Legends but if you look in the bottom right hand corner the LoL forums uses a voting system for posts so you can +1 your favorite post. Say someone had a good come back for a troll you can +1 this persons post to make him feel special xD. Although I dont think its easy to install forum plug ins I just know the code for them and such.


If you think this would be a neat idea please give this a +1 I meen it wouldn't hurt although i'm not expecting this to happen its just a suggestion. (I own none of the code to the LoL forum +1 nor have I ever seen it or try'd to recreate it)




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There's already a rating system but no one uses it :witless:


No thats no what I meen I meen to separately rate posts not threads...

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