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Application: Peppermint

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Please let me join i play jailbreak a lot and know a lot of xG members


Or you can all just - 1 me like you are...../:


If you veiw it please +1 me

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Decision: 0


Activity: 6/10 (maybe more outside JB)

Maturity: 6/10


Why: Well, you had an app previously (here) and people seemed to mention you don't always follow the rules. You obviously have taken some time to try to improve but I remember keeping an extra eye on you just this morning and even slaying you once or twice for breaking some pretty basic rules.

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He is nice, fun to play with, respectful, mature, seems to know the rules alright, and is active.

His previous app was posted quite a while a go. From what was said on there he does not seem that way at all anymore.

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+1 for my decision, from what i saw he follows the rules,plays a good warden. But plays jb only from what i see.

A: 5/10

M : 7/10

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a: 6

M: 7

Seems like a good guy, know the motd and is a good warden.

Could show some more respect towards others but other than that is good.



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