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Baiting/Baiting rule

Change the rule?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Change the rule?

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So this was brought up. We all know baiting isn't allowed and that if a T knifes a baiting CT they are a rebel. This is a suggestion to change it so if you knife the baiting CT the T isn't a rebel. +1/-1?

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A T could delay or hide around a corner, then when CT comes they could be like "oh he was bating" and kill them. It would cause too much confusion I think to change it.

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A T could delay or hide around a corner, then when CT comes they could be like "oh he was bating" and kill them. It would cause too much confusion I think to change it.


^This is what I have in mind.

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It's good as it is, if the CT is baiting and u backstab killhim or idk, you're good, but if you don't kill him, he can shoot you, idk tho if in that specific situation, can other CTs shoot the failing T?

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+1 especially at the beginning of the round, this encourages CTs to keep their distance. With what McNeo was describing, that T was already away from the group and a rebel. Doing something non-rebellious isn't equivalent to a pardon

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This is gonna lead to so much confusion as to where the line crosses, the ct could be a good 10 feet away and the t runs up and knifes him saying "oh he baited i get away with it lul".


It's gonna come down to a matter of opinion and if this rule was established would need a ton of unnecessary specifications.


Keep it the way it is, t's knife baiters at your own risk, but the baiters should be slain.

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+1 if a CT baits.. and dies and then the T kills all the CT's the CT's will get pissed at him and kick his ass.. and he'll learn the hard way!! ARMY STYLE LEARNING FTW

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Got to agree with Jihad, I just don't like how a CT will bait and I know I can't do anything about other than tell an Admin or mod. I would really just like to punish him by killing or knifing him and screaming "MASTERBAITER!"

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I agree and disagree sometimes people have different aspects on what is baiting. One ct may see the ct is baiting the t while another ct thinks hes rebeling and then kills him.

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