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Redstone Ore's Moderator Application!

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((Division: Counter Strike: Source))


Two months already, eh? :o


Well I thought I'd try my hand at applying for moderator, here's my original clan application for the steam ID fields and whatnot. Redstone Ore's Application to [xG]


I have average qualities and I'm not going to attempt to look like a snob on his highhorse by lying about aspects of that. I've moderated on a couple of things in the past (http://www.alteriw.net - Now Closed) and have ran two Garry's Mod servers following rules set by me and the rest of my admins to the letter. (TL;DR - I understand the importance of setting an example by enforcing set rules.)


I've never been CT banned or even kicked from the server by a moderator (for anything that wouldn't have been considered a joke at the time) and feel quite happy with that. I feel I'd be an alright addition to the team as I follow the MOTD to the letter and encourage others to do so also.


I suppose that's it, if you want me to be a moderator voice your opinion. If you don't, that's fine. I won't hold a grudge against anyone who feels the need to -1; after all, what would be the point in that if we're all in the same clan?


Looking forward to responses!



+1's (16):







Hadron1 (Hardon :3)












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I don't know why everyone is making scoreboards these days..but anyways.


Redstone is a very nice guy and good friend. He knows all the rules and is nice to new comers. He also makes sure to call something out to the mods if he believes something is wrong ( and not in an over excessive manner i'd like to add) he'd be a good man for the job. +1


Please excuse mah grammer typing on my ipod :P

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Really mature guy, one of the most mature I've played with. Also, really fun :)

Knows rules and is just a good guy.

A: 8/10

M: 9.5/10 :)

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*tears up*


This is beautifull, I haven't seen a mod application this good or person more deserving than the last Scottish person who got mod :3


In all seriousness (not that the previous wasn't) this guy would make an amazing mod, He's very mature and I have never seen him get angry at someone or retaliate negatively to anybody annoying him (apart from myself). He knows the rules (NOT THE MOTD, THE MOTD IS NOT THE RULES, THE RULES ARE THE RULES) like the back of his hand and slays himself faster if he freekills than I can type it. He's very active at times most US mods aren't on because he's a britfag.


But, he's from Glasgow, eww.... So, you barely got a +1, but you've got it! ;)

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