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MineCrack's Moderator Application [MineCraft Div.]

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Hello, this is for the minecraft division, so all comments from CS:S should stay out ^.^! Anyone, i'm applying to make sure justice is served in the server. I've seen judgement from a few admins which somewhat allow rules to be broken.


What I will bring?

  • A veteran moderator. I've been moderator and admin on many minecraft servers (Atleast 4). Admin on one, and co-owner on another. One being a jail server which was populated with 30+ people on at all times.
  • Fair judgement on rule breakers, and fair punishment.
  • Monitor over any suspicious player.


Why I should be a minecraft moderator?

  • I can have any game I play and minecraft open at the same time. I wouldn't hesitate to check up on the server if needed.
  • I am familiar with Java, so if needed I can tweak a plugin and even make one.
  • I'm active unless i'm at my dad's house.

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-1 for multiple reasons.

1. He is a flat out liar calling people hackers when they are not.

2. Yesterday as he is killing newish players on the server, I kill him and he goes on a rant saying he is quitting the server and that it is garbage.

3. He is overall not a fun person to be around.

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-1 for multiple reasons.

1. He is a flat out liar calling people hackers when they are not.

2. Yesterday as he is killing newish players on the server, I kill him and he goes on a rant saying he is quitting the server and that it is garbage.

3. He is overall not a fun person to be around.

1. You did hack. Whether it was xraying or using a spammer. Unless you had a gypsy telling you to turn and tell you mine straight to the diamonds.

2. The server came up a few days ago, ruling your statement invalid.

3. You're not around me, you don't know me, and you're not in teamspeak.


Invalid -1.

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1. You did hack. Whether it was xraying or using a spammer. Unless you had a gypsy telling you to turn and tell you mine straight to the diamonds.

2. The server came up a few days ago, ruling your statement invalid.

3. You're not around me, you don't know me, and you're not in teamspeak.

First, Proof. Second, The server's been up for 2-3 days. So his 2nd argument is valid.

and from talking to you in chat, He can make whatever deduction he wants

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I was very hesitant to +1 because you cant just say that CS:S behavior should be excluded from one's opinion just because it is a application for another game. The way you act in CS:S is bad, theres some cases where I just want to leave the game you argue with me so much. But it is CS:S and it can be frustrating and competitive and so I can see why you get so angry. Minecraft is a casual game where you really cant get angry unless someone is purposely fucking with you in which case punishment is needed. I think you being Mod on our minecraft servers would be a good warm up to you being one on CS:S.


About your credentials...


I've been moderator and admin on many minecraft servers (Atleast 4). Admin on one, and co-owner on another. One being a jail server which was populated with 30+ people on at all times.


In most cases I would like to have more than just someones word for this, I would think that with this kind of backround you would be a very cool-headed guy, and like i said before, it probably just has something to do with minecraft being a calmer and more casual game. And as far as you being "familiar" with java, could you explain to me how "familiar" you are with it? Did you take a class or just have screwed around with it? Information like this could really be useful to the clan as a whole. If you really know what you are doing you could help in more than just minecraft. Those kinds of things really can help with applications, even with jobs in the future. On my job application I even have that I did Taekwondo for 2 years lol.


But anyways I +1 you minecrack because I believe that you can be a good mod if you practice practice practice, best of luck to ya bro.

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D: +1

he's a pretty good player and he knows the rules but he may need to work on his attitude a little other than that he'll make a good mod

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