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Server reset.

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After all the griefing, fighting, ENDERMAN GRINDERS, diamond stealing from mods. I think it's time the server gets a map/mcmmo reset.

Why you may ask?


Numerous xrayers have gone around, towns have been griefed, and of course, admins/mods teleported to towns and robbed them.


MCMMO stat reset. Mob grinding (specifically the infamous enderman grinder). It's real abusive, and people are overpowered...

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I think it should be reset. My entire house got griefed, all my items were stolen, and as I walk around the map I see 1x1 towers everywhere and partly destoryed buildings littering the landscape. I propose we reset the server and make it fair for everyone. We needs to make a good starting area for new players so that they think that this is a good server to play on. If people walk around and see a ugly landscape with given up on creations everywhere then they wont play.

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