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Korean teamspeak admin abuse

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I was on teamspeak, and Korean and Duke came on to ts, i was with rukibah they both joined our channel, then left down 1 channel.

I go in there in a jokeful manner saying am i not good enough for you? i can't be with you? and duke responds no you are- Then Korean moves me and i really don't know why, i go back in and kept getting moved back to my channel, This is really annoying because all i wanted is to be in a room where the is more conversation going-

I said to korean i will try to get his admin removed on ts, And he responds it's just rabid the worst that can happen is he will just kiss Aegeans ass.

Then i go to steam and grab jihad, Jihad comes onto teamspeak and says Koreannnnn, Then Korean once again moves me again, i have no idea what i did that time, i did nothing.



Picture proof- [ATTACH]2858.vB[/ATTACH]


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Well the thing is Rabid is that when ever I get on TS and am in a channel with you, you almost always spam at some point. You have caused people to leave the channel before and then brag about it later on. You whistle when people are trying to speak and when they tell you to stop you continue on. I dont what happened with you two, but as this is only your side of the story I cant say you are correct as right now it seems you did nothing wrong at all which is impossible from what I have learned about you. So until Korean comes and explains his side of the story nothing can be done.

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When you were mod you have done this to other members, for example aram and many others. He can have his warning now to not move you around since obviously you care but you didn't lose your TS mod for it and neither will he. Also Duplolas's example is good too.


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