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About the new disrespect rule.

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Now that it's added. People spam chat if they can get banned for so-and-so then spam chat with it.


  • Teezer
  • Slim Shady
  • Luka


Honestly, the disrespect is even worst and if anyone bans/kick they get harassed.

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Yes, disrespect is not gonna be tolerated, but you can't ban someone for saying "Dumbass" or "Loser" or "faggot" just in general. It's the internet.


Minecrack, what I'd do, would be


1: Warn them, tell them what they are doing is not going to be tolerated.

2: If they continue, gag/kick them telling them what they're doing is getting out of hand.

3: Ban them. Simple as that.

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I'm not going to name names, but there really are a LOT, and I mean a LOT of people who need to get banned for legitimate disrespect / chat or voice spam. It's frankly rustling my jimmies and I won't stand for it.




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Dude Papichulo you need to get fucking over yourself. Every time someone posts about me, you go on ahead to say "omg this is Aaron the troll from the past". I don't play on this server for a few months and come back clean and you go ahead and give me a label of a troll. I feel like I'm disrespected by you. You're being a bias little prick who can't get over little things that i have done a few weeks/months back.


we expect our moderators and up to have an unbiased mindset to come out with the best solution and manner in handing the situation possible.


Every time you and I are in the server, it seems like i have a target on my back. That you are constantly trying to tell every mod/admin to watch out for me. You remind EVERYONE that I'm Aaron from the past. Can i not change my name and come back a different player? Why must you single me out?


Get off my fucking hard dick plz Papichulo. You annoy the fuck outta me. Do ppl say omg Papichulo is the admin that abused 20 months ago? No, cuz no one gives a fuck. Grow up and get over me. I know you like to ride me hard baby.

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Dude Papichulo you need to get fucking over yourself. Every time someone posts about me, you go on ahead to say "omg this is Aaron the troll from the past". I don't play on this server for a few months and come back clean and you go ahead and give me a label of a troll. I feel like I'm disrespected by you. You're being a bias little prick who can't get over little things that i have done a few weeks/months back.




Every time you and I are in the server, it seems like i have a target on my back. That you are constantly trying to tell every mod/admin to watch out for me. You remind EVERYONE that I'm Aaron from the past. Can i not change my name and come back a different player? Why must you single me out?


Get off my fucking hard dick plz Papichulo. You annoy the fuck outta me. Do ppl say omg Papichulo is the admin that abused 20 months ago? No, cuz no one gives a fuck. Grow up and get over me. I know you like to ride me hard baby.


Well you are a troll from the past lol. So since this thread was about someone trolling and oh look it was you, I said who the troller wassss. Dun flatter yourself cutie. You didn't come back differently apparently yoo. So yuhh.


And the whole "I'm a victim" act was actually kinda good. Nice try bruhh.


I don't get why you think I hate you or something? I stated who it was. And I've never said anything to you in-game sooo..?


And I don't have a history of abusing, and don't currently abuse so no one would need to be warned about me.. Unlike you, since you currently still troll and have a history of being the troll. It's just the facts.


And since this thread has already been answered


~closed due to illogical thought processes


little[/color] things that i have done a few weeks/months back


Lul at the red part, should be my forum siggy

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