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Anyone in xG play Day Z?

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I know some of you fellow pimps are getting a piece of that DayZ ass. I've been getting into DayZ lately, but sadly I've been playing it alone cause they majority of my friends IRL dislike the mod due to their lack of patients.

Anyways, I'm just looking for some of my fellow Pimps from Xenogamers to play DayZ with. I play on the North Carolina Regular servers and will gladly switch servers to play with someone I'm friendly with!




I've been adding up some math that I believe is somewhat accurate:


DayZ Mod + You = Shorter Lifespan + Foreveralone.jpg


DayZ Mod + You and Friends = Longer Lifespan + Cooler shit to do


And by "cooler shit to do" I mean like fixing cars and helicopters and raiding shit together!




So yeah, lets all get together on a server and fuck bitches like us xG Pimps do normally





Post what server you play on and what your in-game name is as well. We will discuss decent servers we can get together on as well as a room in the xG TeamSpeak.




Just imagine the sick ass band of raiders we could be!

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i will deff play once i buy those darned games


You can get DayZ with the ARMA 2: Free and ARMA: OA so you don't have to pay as much.


(And no sadly I need $20 for ARMA: OA ;_;)

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