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I know I mess up sometimes, I know I'm not perfect, but I would greatly appreciate it if the XenoGamers community were to accept me into their clan. I would strive to be as active and as helpful as possible as a member of XenoGamers, and always uphold and obey the rules and ideals of XenoGamers. This is my second time applying and I'm hoping for different results. I know this application is a few days early, but I have received permission to apply from Aegean, as I have to leave for 10 days tomorrow. My activity will be down due to that, but as soon as I get back you will see the same enthusiasm and activity you've always seen from me.



Thank you for your time. ^.^





I know I'm a terribad warden, but don't judge me by just how good of a warden I am xD

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Glad to see that you stayed interested and did what it took to get better.

Decision: +1



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