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DrPedo Abuse Thread

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Yeah. I guess the ban was deserved.


You can't use all-chat for that. You've been told by quite a few mods, including myself.


Haha, I'll be sure to screenshot the next time you or one of the other mods uses all chat then. I seriously don't even know what it's supposed to be used for if not for that. Like papi said, you're all just nitpicking because of who I am. It is widely known that All chat is used frequently by every admin/mod it is just let slide by certain people and their comrades, pretty pathetic really.

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Random thought, in general, I think you're overlooking a few things both in this situation and others.


1. Votes are rarely used except on co-leader approved "vote days", or by a co-leader themselves. If they are used by an admin it's usually at the collective decision of all mods/admins on at the time.

2. All chat is used to enforce rules or relay messages to all players (or to alive players while you are dead), not to say "i'm here everyone love me i'll be warden now"

3. Frankly, you come off as very aggressive and condescending. I think most people find it hard to listen to you, agree with you, or frankly put up with you because of that. This is the internet - so have fun. But this is a gaming clan, and you represent it - so follow the rules and enforce them fairly and just be a good guy.

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Your tears are delicious.


Joking aside, we gave you some slack, but you keep ignoring it. You keep making the same mistakes. We've warned you multiple times, yet time and time again, you keep making the same mistakes. I had to tell you 3 times before you stopped. Then, from what I heard, you continued as soon as I left.


Listen, and this threads wouldn't exist.

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I'd prefer it if A CO LEADER responded to this instead of the same people consistently repeating their opinions. Brian, please post proof of every instance and maybe I'll believe what you say. Right now it sounds like pure exaggeration on your part. I don't really have to listen to you because I was well inside the rules with what I did, so your point about me 'misrepresenting xG' is completely wrong.


How come you never thought about how bad it looked when an admin banned another admin for four hours for a seemingly insignificant event? Because you are biased.


EDIT: The only thing making me laugh in your post is heresy. "I HEARD YOU USED ALLCHAT". Division leaders really should know better than to word of mouth.


The reason I 'talk back to you' and 'seem argumentative' is because im not some little kid who barely knows five words out of the dictionary. You sound like parents upset with their kid who has spoken back to them. Usually I am the laid back one but people like you and the abuse thread target make this game stressful.

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How come you never thought about how bad it looked when an admin banned another admin for four hours for a seemingly insignificant event?


Good point, since you bring it up. +1 for demotion, anyone?


BTW, there you go again with that attitude I was referring to earlier.


I'd prefer it if someone with actual rank responded to this instead of the same people consistently repeating their opinions.


A- We do have rank.

B- We are repeating ourselves (using different words and details) because you are doing that same.

C- This is only escalating because you are letting it. Just drop it and walk away, you'll be better off.

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I hereby retract everything I said, and I will make no further input in this thread. I admit I've fumbled this situation a bit and I don't want either party getting hurt on my account, nor do I wish to provide further opinion on this matter since it may not be fair at this point.


Fair Enough: I ask your forgiveness in my oversight.


Dr. Pedo: thanks for your work in the clan.


Every one else: party, my place.

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Alrighty read through it all, saw both sides. I would like to say that I'm glad some of you understand our disrespect policy where others are completely oblivious. Hey Minecrack, you banned 2 people unfairly, pretty funny that you would justify another unfair ban.


Anyways, Poncher and Papi have taken my words perfectly, let me explain to you guys the situation. Some mod threatens you with a ban for disrespect, you argue it, not even in a bad way, you just state that you are going to have proof of this convo because you truly believe the other guy is wrong. What does he do? He bans you 4 hours for Abuse right after claiming disrespect for no reason and threatening you. You guys wouldn't be aggravated or pissed off? I can easily threaten you guys, wait for you guys to be mad and then ban you guys for "disrespect". The way Fair handled himself was very surprising, I woulda flipped the other mod off, and I personally am one of the nicer and fairer staff members.


One all chat, does not warrent a threat to be banned, just a simple "be careful with all chat, don't use it for that" or something along those lines would have been fine. All the CT's were derps, he used all chat ONCE and it was about being a good warden since all the other people were apparently shitty or not capable of it, so I see no harm in it. He used one vote, and votes for admins are allowed as long as no one is getting disrespected, and it's all in good fun. Plus it can't be spammed, but that's obvious.


So Dr.Pedo will be banned for 8 hours tomorrow (so it's not while he's sleeping or how is that fair) plus he is on warning. If I see another disrespect post I will have a serious discussion with all the mods and admins, and start demoting people. If you guys have any questions about disrespect feel free to message Serb or I, not Silence.



Ps. McNeo

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