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Unban me!

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Yea unban me please cuse you guys never see anyone disrespect me...but when you do you never do anything i i yell out that they are disrespecting me but no ones does anything and i only disrespect cuse everyone else disrespects me so im a dick if youre a dick...so yea next time please try to do your job guys and ban the people who disrespect me and ill stop disrespecting thanks...and i know its only a 3 day ban but im bored so yea thanks if you unban me.

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Banned 3 days by @@DuckiiJr. for disrespecting.

Even though you did disrespect, the ban should only be for 6 hours.

Lets hear what DuckiiJr has to say.

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Yet again I have caught you disrespecting everyone in the server. YOU are the that started even. You tell me you never start any of that stuff. But I got you this time. I even had several complaints to come on the server, but they hadn't noticed I was already watching you in the server (minigames). I have given you soooo many chances...to many. I have warned you so much and even privately talked to you in Steam chat about disrespect. I have banned you before for disrespect. You've been banned like 5 times for disrespect. I talked to Serbian and he gave me permission to ban you for longer than 6 hours since you've had many chances and already have been banned for 6 hour lengths 4 or 5 times.

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I was looking through my screenshots and found this






You disrespect people quite alot for like the last month or two.



(This is like your 5th ban I'm surprised you aren't perm'd yet.)



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Ok duckii but but if you were there like 5 mins before you joined you wouldve seen people disrespect me...so how bout you talk to me first and ask why im dirsrespecting...thers 2 sides to each story i hope you know that...and you should know i only disrespect people who disrespect me...like creature..he disrespect me so im a dick..but like puppy luv and shit i dont talk shit about them becuse there nice like even haadron..well i do but i never mean it so maybe you should learn to listen better and see my half of the story...k thanks.

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Ohhhhhh boy here we go again with your same excuse as usual.

I have a ton of witnesses that were there and yet again I myself was there. You randomly started disrespecting people for literally no reason at all. Ever since you left xG you seem to think it's ok to go around disrespecting everyone. Excuse me for sounding like a dick... but THIS is why people did not want you in xG.

Ok duckii but but if you were there like 5 mins before you joined you wouldve seen people disrespect me

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Moving from a 6 hour ban period to a 3 day ban period is quite excessive... It would have been best to gag/mute him instead of banning him for that long... If you don't like what he has to say it is an easier way to get rid of the problem.

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He didn't hurt my feelings. And he's had to many chances.

Then why did you ban him? He didn't disrespect you enough to hurt your feelings.

I've been yelled at for this before.

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I've already talked to you on TS before, you are very disrespectful on servers and if people start it first, just instead of "feeding the flame" just take proof from console OR demo it. Very simple concept bro, hope you follow it next time and hopefully avoid a ban in the future.

Not getting unbanned sorry.


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