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i got 2 demos of u on mg, in which at one point ur bad at bhop, and at another point, ur bhopping through the levels and beating them on the first try, ill upload them in a sec


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Is that really how you are basing your judgement? i mean i bhop alot... even the server i bhop on has its own plugin to automatically catch scripters and ban them. I never got banned. (if u want add me and u can even talk to the clan leader)

So what if i bhopped better than before? i didnt think anyone would be demoing me so idc really...

Im sure i dont script... and ive been bhopping for a long time...

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I'll watch those demo's, & then decide, but from what I know, mohammad doesn't script. I sometimes get bad ones, then I'm all of a sudden an allstar..


EDIT: After watching the demo, I see that on that level (the first one, race I think) the air accelerate isn't at regular, so strafing & bhopping aren't good. (The accelerate in scrim server). But, on the bhop level, you can't hear his footsteps, not sure if that's because of the level, or scripts.




x2 EDIT: I played both levels, & I bhopped better on the bhop level, than race level, because of the difference in air accelerate. However, my bhops were not silent, you could hear it. So, for that, I do not know.


I'm at a 0.

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Almost the entire bhop level your bhops were silent

That is near impossible; air accelerate has nothing to do with silent jumps. Not all scripts work the same. SMAC sucks dick and I'm pretty sure only looks for scripts that spams jump whenever you hold down spacebar.

Either way, you nofailed the 9 level bhop, almost silent jumps the entire way. Never seen it done before.


Scripts work by trying to get as many perfect jumps as possible, or silent jumps, because those are what really build up your speed. Strafing helps, but silent jumping is what makes you go faster. You cannot hear silent jumps unless you are watching someone do it, or you're watching sourcetv. So, E.Z. Kill, you may have been doing silent jumps, but you just couldn't hear the silence.

To tell if you actually got a silent jump, most bhops sound like you're hitting the ground twice. If it sounds like you only hit the ground once, then you got a silent bhop.

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I dont think u can hear jumps in demos just saying try it urself

bhop demo urself, u can hear urslef bhop when u watch the demo u cant.

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I'm pretty sure you can but it doesn't really matter.. I've been watching you since jake course ever since you joined and i know you can bhop from the wall and back to the door at the end but when i watched you i didn't hear any footstep while u were jumping and you were going at a pretty nice speed... so than it changes map to Hellz and during the bhop map majority of your jump was silent.


Just because a anti cheat didn't ban you doesn't mean you're not scripting, Some scripts can be used without being caught.

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lol i can assure u i dont script...

But thanks for pointing out that im a good bhopper

btw when u bhop a lot it comes to the point where you no when to jump

Does that mean all pro bhoppers script? im not calling myself pro im just saying ive specced people 10x better than me and their bhop is silent because they no when to jump.

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Well we can't be assure of that, i've seen alot of scripters and i don't hear footstep from them when they bhop... unless you're like a pro than it's understandable but tbh i don't think you can become that pro in a short time, since i've seen some of you're fail strafes

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Well lets see are you some prodigy at bhopping? probably those people have years of experience? so you're saying people can go from terrible bhopper to pro who can silently bhop with amazing speed within 4 to 5 months? i doubt it ;p.

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i been playing CSS for a good 2-3 years. Not consecutively BUT i still suck at it. Cant B-hop for sheit, cant aim for shiet D:.

I known MoMo ever since i started in this clan. His rise, His fall, his "pro-ness" <--- LoL. MoMo might troll and troll and troll on most occasion but i don't think he would be that much of dumbass to script.


+1 for his UnBan D:

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