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@Mohammad, You're still trying to change the subject that you script and that I am always wrong at most but I'm not the only one that is accusing you of scripting because there was 2 people watching you at the same time and agreed that you script.


@Aram, Are you a professional Bhopper, or a Cheat Detector? because you make it sound like it's easy to bhop with silence foot step.. just because you're spectating them don't mean it will kill off your sound to hear their footstep while they're are bhopping.. I can say silent bhopping isn't impossible but it's something quite hard to pull of unless you're some professional bhoppers such as phoon if u ever heard of him? but mohammad is not that good at bhopping seeing how you even said so yourself the last 2 month meaning he can't just become pro within those 2 months get your fact straight before you post anything to defend your friend.

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you can't consider the truth if you're the 1 that is suspected of scripting because many hackers try to use the same excuses saying they do not hack at all yet they are and its obvious they fight until they can't anymore. The fact is you are suspected of scripting and the proof was given to the co leaders of the clan to look over it. So it is there decision rather or not they believe you scripting or not. Opinion are fine as long as fact are correct, i am just giving facts by experience but it looks like you're trying your hardest to cover up so we will have to wait... so you can't say it's true you don't cheat if you're the suspect.

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Just saying the burden is on you mohammad to prove you don't script =/ they have evidence they feel shows you scripting you just saying you don't isnt really that much proof....

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Ugh. Um let me state my facts.

1. Silence jumps doesnt mean anything because once you know how to bhop well its easy to predict when you should jump

2.I dont have any previous bans on my account THAT regard to me hacking.

3. the server i practice bhopping on has a plugin that automatically can detect if you are hacking or not and can automatically ban you.

4. I personally know the admins and owners of that server and they can also vouch for what I am saying is right (they have also seen me improve over months, and no one has ever reported me on their forums.)

5. Aram has been bhopping longer than I have, idk and idc who is better but since ive seen him bhop im sure he can know when someone is scripting or not.

6. I personally went on a server with a Div and aram and they saw me going @ a 500-600 velocity (almost same speed on minigames) and i wasnt scripting.

I stated those and i dont really feel like going back and forth with you duckii, im just wasting time. I know i dont script I am all legit.

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1) Silence jump does mean something... It's somewhat like a perfect jump that will increase you speed.. it's not just knowing when to jump it takes awhile to learn unless your some prodigy..


2)just because you don't have any previous ban on hacks don't mean you don't hack am i right? all first hackers/scripters don't have any ban records of hack does that mean they don't hack? no... it's just saying you either just got the hacks or no one caught you or you're just pro..


3)Hacks are hacks.. not all hacks are detectable if so there wouldn't be any hacks right now and many people would instantly get banned... so just because it didn't pick up on you don't mean you are not cheating.


4) So what if you know them personally it's not all that hard to fool a person if you use cheats.


5) just because aram has been bhopping longer don't always mean he can see through scripts or such... for example.. E.Z kill has said himself he's been bhopping for 2 years but he still isn't sure of the scripts nor did he deny it's not script..


6) When exaclty did they go with you on a server and know this? after your ban? if so u probably playing it safe..


almost every post you made so far you included something about you being legit... saying you are legit isn't gunna help the case since we have proof of you scripting... and you are just saying not giving. So don't post anymore if you are not willing to give good evidence that you don't script.


All said, Well than before you post something think and than post this thing you just posted ^ is not really saying anything but more saying you don't know a thing about anti cheats, ect....

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Ducki ive bhopped for 4+ years. I know a lot about bhopping probably more than anyone in this clan. Silent footsteps when bhopping proves nothing, that's just an excuse to say someone is scripting. Silent footsteps arent proof that someone is scripting that's just how the spectator mode works, sometimes you hear footsteps, sometimes you don't. Besides that if mohammad is scripting why is he only getting 450 velocity around there? He isn't going fast enough to be scripting i can assure you that, trust me. Lmao mohammad isn't pro because he 1 shot a bhop level on the new hellzmulti game. The blocks don't fall down which means his speed wont drop unless he messes really bad on a timing of a jump, also the fact you can jump more than once on a block makes it even easier to bhop.


Btw, implying phoon is still good isnt valid lol, phoon sucks now.

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1. Ok so what if i can make sure i can jump at the right time? when i watch other bhoppers you learn when to jump, same when you watch others scrim or watch matches you pick up some strats and u build on it

2. i agree with this everyone can begin as a hacker, but i play on a lot of servers and no bans is what i mean. i also have 3000 hours on css<not proud of lol but still means i have a good amount of time.

3. You can test out this server yourself and get some test dummy with scripts and see if he gets banned or not.

4. These people began in 2006 and the have bhoppers 10x better than i am im sure i cant fool someone who is better than me at bhopping or specializes in Bhop. They have banned tons of scripters before who they never expected would script, i havent been banned yet.

5. EZ bhops on CS 1.6 and EZ wasnt sure of the silent jumping i talked to him, and in the demo he knew air acceleration on race was low (near to the scrim server) so i couldnt bhop as i did before.

6. If i was truly bhop scripting i wouldnt be able to gain a 500-600 velocity. And aram watched me along with other xG members (jihad was the div) and no scripts. If your not satisfied i can show you as well.

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I've seen scripters, and I've watched them for awhile and I don't hear a single footstep while they're bhopping. So you're saying it's the spectatings fault that I can't hear footsteps at all? I can hear other peoples footsteps fine.

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Ducki ive bhopped for 4+ years. I know a lot about bhopping probably more than anyone in this clan. Silent footsteps when bhopping proves nothing, that's just an excuse to say someone is scripting. Silent footsteps arent proof that someone is scripting that's just how the spectator mode works, sometimes you hear footsteps, sometimes you don't.


Uhm, no. That's not how spectator mode works. You don't hear a jump when you're spectating someone who has made a perfect jump. That's how the game works.

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You obviously don't know about spectating a bhopper. Just because some jumps are silent on your client, and some aren't, doesn't mean you script. Silent jumps aren't a valid way to prove someone is scripting. They don't prove anything

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not sure if this means anything, but i went to a bhop server with mohammad a while back and he was super good. he said he belonged to that community before. so he has been bhoping for a while

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keep this thread limited to only those who have experience in determining scriptors, there are 2 sides that are both even atm, duckii and herpes saying hes scripting, aram saying he isnt, they're both experienced in bhop and can tell scripters, im not sure about it myself, ill have billy look at it and see what he thinks


edit: talked to billy, he doesnt think that mohammed's scripting, so ill unban mohammed from the servers


-sealed away in the last great time war

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