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Jailbreak problems

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There are a few problems I've noticed lately in the jailbreak server.

One of the biggies here is admins not knowing their stuff. Yesterday there were around 3 or 4 admins on and they weren't catching a lot of things that weren't supposed to be happening. Also, there were a few cases of admin abuse. They didn't do this on purpose, but it happened nonetheless. For instance. A CT calls warden, then passes the warden to a T. Then, an admin unmutes the T so he can give orders to the other Ts? Keep in mind there were 2 or 3 other admins on at the time this happened. ANOTHER admin had to be called in to correct this problem. That's completely ridiculous.

Another case of admin abuse. Admin unmutes himself to "correct a problem". Then he never re mutes himself and talks the whole rest of the round. Not trying to be a **** or anything, but that gets annoying after a while. Once again, an extra admin has to be called in to correct this problem when there are other Admins in the server.

Here's another problem. Tarping. It was VERY unclear what was and wasn't tarping. I understand that tarping got removed so massive amounts of people didn't die in the beginning?? Well the warden gives orders,"When cell doors open and I say go step out of the cell and freeze. You have until 7:13 to do this." there are about 25 Ts and every single one dies except 4. I complained about this because that was the whole reason tarping got removed and an admin backed him up saying,"oh that's not tarping they didn't listen. also people were talking over him so its not his fault. so argument invalid STFU." That's complete ********. There were plenty of things the MULTIPLE admins could have done to help prevent this and none of it got done. First, I'm pretty sure that's a tarp. second, admin could have muted the rest of the people and let the warden talk, but no he doesn't do **** and everyone dies. Third, not that I'm upset by this, but an admin should learn to control himself and not rage. If it had been someone not xG and he had told them to STFU, that turns people away. They think," oh these people are just a bunch of assholes." Way to represent the best of xG guys.

There were other problems that happened, but they weren't that big of a deal. Mainly it was just people didn't know the rules, they break them, admins don't seem to know the rules either and nothing gets done about it. No offense but if your an admin, you need to have the MOTD memorized, or else have a print out of it if that's to hard for you. I know I'm just a lowly pawn in the whole social structure of xG, but I think these aren't hard problems to fix. I think that you guys should have a meeting in mumble, and work things out before things get more out of control.

Oh yea 1 more thing. I was just on the JB server, there were 37 people, no admins. Utter chaos. Just wanted to throw that out there. I tried to get an admin but didn't get a response until to late. It may have been my fault that i didn't try hard enough to get one, but maybe you guys can work out a schedule for admins to be on the server during the hours that most people are on JB.

Thanks for reading my monologue if you actually read through the whole thing lol. High Five to you if you did, I know I probably couldn't. :D I appreciate any help you guys could offer.

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this problem has been here for a while now.


the promotion system helped a small bit, but

there's still a ton of admins and moderators

running around not do jack-sh*t (including being active).

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First off... If the warden say when he say go take onestep out that is not tarp at all if u are listening... He can only turn that into a tarp when he say something similar to that word or just say something like "Do this now" ~Basically a tarp is tricking and that order is not tricking anyone.


Second , If any Admins are abusing just get proof of what they are doing than report using the right format at Admin Abuse tab and there we'll discuss this and we'll decide what to do than, Also as for Players you may do the same if they are repeatedly breaking the rules after you explain to them the rules just report it to Ban request with proof and and follow the correct format.


Thirdly , I Believe that all admins should know the rules by heart and try to remember them so there will be no problems when explaining them, But otherwise if they are to breaking the rule tell them they are breaking the rules and if they rage and ban or so what make sure u have proof of your conversation with them and than you can report and we'll deal with this


Last , schedule? Why a schedule i don't think That would work out fine because many of us are probally usually busy and won't beable to do that so try adding a Active admin , You alrdy have me on friend list? Im usally on during weekdays probally 3 ~ 10 - 12am Est time max on weekends 11 ~ 2am - 5am max just Message me if you need an admin and ill come in and ill help out.


Srry For all the problems but hopefully we'll fix it soon enough, :)

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Ok the tarping thing I was just wondering what was and wasnt a tarp because i got slayed for doing something simlilar before.


The admin abuse thing isn't that big of a deal, its just that im tired of admins not knowing the rules and breaking them. I think its a little extreme to report them for that and its kinda a hassle to have to get proof of them abusing because its not like im watching out for them to abuse it just kinda happens and im not constantly recording or anything and usually its nothing to serious. i dont really want to try to catch an admin abusing or anything i think if things get straightened out(like have a meeting in mumble) and they learn the rules that will be good enough.


And the schedule thing i think your kinda misunderstanding what im trying to say, i dont think i explained it well enough. It doesnt have to be a set-in-stone type schedule, it could just be something tentative that can be changed when ever, maybe a strictly volunteer schedule or something. I was just throwing an idea out and maybe you wont need to do it for very long. After a week youd probably weed out most of the freekillers and such. idk just trying to help cause theres been several occasions with several different people where no admins were in sight, and its just chaos. I know you can always get proof and contact and admin and everything but im just trying to find an easy way to manage things that will make everyone happy.


Thanks for answering my questions and everything.

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Just show instances where the admin / moderator abuses. Just screenshot when you see it happening. I get complaints about other moderators all the time but I need proof before I can discuss with them what they are doing wrong or to give them a warning or to discuss with silence and them. Just message me when you see moderator abusing and i'll come in for ya. If no one is availible, just screenshot / record etc.

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