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Bullshit ban. 10se1ucgo

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Not to disrespect but, Duke, wtf? You are abusing your powers. The admin handbook states this:


If a mic spammer joins the server and will not stop after, you must mute or kick him. If he rejoins and continues to do this, that is a bannable offence. An admin must ban him for 240 minutes exactly.


You kicked me, then banned me for 1 week, you are supposed to only ban for 240 minutes! Im not going to make a whole new thread about dukes abuse, I'm pretty sure this is enough.


Thanks for your time,


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Dude, sorry to say this but everyday you scream your guts out into the mic just to snitch on a hiding T.




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I don't get annoyed easily even with the younger kids. I've always been ok with younger kids. But YOU omg... you annoyed me so much I had to mute you 3 times within 30min. And to get me annoyed and pissy is really saying something.

@@Duke 1 week is a little overboard in my opinion, but I want to here what you have to say.


For now +1 to shorten ban to 1-3days

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Dude, sorry to say this but everyday you scream your guts out into the mic just to snitch on a hiding T.




Umm, no? I was banned for saying YES after the round was over because its finally done.

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I'm sure you were not banned for just that. You constantly scream and stuff as soon as you get the chance.

Umm, no? I was banned for saying YES after the round was over because its finally done.

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10sec, those rules are for FIRST OFFENDERS after that it is up to admin discretion, tell me, honestly, do you believe you are a first offender?


/request close for autism.

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10sec, those rules are for FIRST OFFENDERS after that it is up to admin discretion, tell me, honestly, do you believe you are a first offender?


/request close for autism.

Thats the first time I was banned for it. So yes. I do.


Edit: First time ever banned :/

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10sec, those rules are for FIRST OFFENDERS after that it is up to admin discretion, tell me, honestly, do you believe you are a first offender?


/request close for autism.

Thats the first time I was banned for it. So yes. I do.


Edit: First time ever banned :/


This. It is his first ban.


If you feel that "he's gotten away with other things in the past" that is BS. If he did something ban-able in the past then he should have been banned for it at that time.


This is his first ban on the books. +1 for reduction to 240 minutes as per Admin Handbook.

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This. It is his first ban.


If you feel that "he's gotten away with other things in the past" that is BS. If he did something ban-able in the past then he should have been banned for it at that time.


This is his first ban on the books. +1 for reduction to 240 minutes as per Admin Handbook.


He has been given atleast 10 warnings every day for mic spam.

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He has been given atleast 10 warnings every day for mic spam.


Then he should have already been banned for 240 minutes for mic spam. This is his first ban, so it should have been 240 regardless. After that, if he continues then a longer ban is justifiable.

I still love Duke with all my heart and soul though


Also, I don't see why someone who ragequitted from a community he thinks is corrupt would lurk around the forums to make condescending posts. Lol.

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Ok. Couple things here.


1. If he is muted/kicked/gaged/etc that is not a offense its a warning and warning dont carry over from day to day.

2. Dont go after him for mic spamming when everyone mic spams at different times. Have you heard zapper??? He comes on and the second the Ts are unmuted ADNJKDNKJNFKNKJJIUOIJNOIWJENFJKNDADJF REBEL REBEL ADNW;DN;NK;JNAJFNDSJGNAJG;NDNJN Wait i didnt hear those orders, repeat! URHUJDFFJOGJNFANJSNGJDNASD. <----- direct quote

3. Duke abused by not following proper protocol. Though you are right for saying after the first offence its up to the admins to use reason to come up with the correct punishment after that, it still has to be the same day. If the punishment cycle stood from day to day anyone with a mic should be permed by now.

4. Depending on how long ago the punishment was given (most likely more than 2 hours ago) the punishment should be fixed.

5. Duke needs a stern talking to and made to sit in the corner until supper.


That is all

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