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Chrono Extreme Disrespect

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Steam Community :: Cool Guy :: Screenshots


On the last map E.Z. Kill says !promotechronoadmin or something like that. I then say fuck no, i just got banned for a lie because of him. And then the insults started off slowly from there. Duke was doing it too, but im used to him, it wasnt until the next map that chrono just completely lost it.


Basically I had joined the game late because I was browsing forums. It was apparently the 2nd round of the map and I didnt know there was a called freeday the 1st round. I tryed to call a freeday the 2nd round but Chrono said I couldnt because we had one already. I thought he was referring to last map when we had one, and I had told him that the freedays dont carry over. So he passed it from me as I realized there was a freeday the round before i got in. In a couple seconds it got passed back to me. So I started giving orders again. Thats when chrono started insulting. Because i couldnt focus well, and there were already atleast 5 guns in the main cell block of the treerooftop or w/e its called map, CTs were dieing every couple of seconds, and obviously no one else wanted warden as it had been passed back to me so fast, I just said come and hug me. At that point he then lost it and as you can see for yourself in the steam pictures just acted completely out of order.


I know I am at some fault for bringing up the ban. But in no way should have chrono acted this way because of that.

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Oh, its THIS thread again -.-


Is there like a constant conflict between you, chrono and duke lol?


You guys all gotta chill outч

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If you hadnt brought up the ban none of this would have happened so -1 If he's banned you should be to because we were all playing nice till then, his rage was caused by you.

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There was no fucking problem in the server at all, we were all playing happy and free.


I pointed something out to EZKill how Fair Enough was yelled at for spamming stupid votes so it isn't fair he spams them, and he made a joke. at which point you started bringing up handled shit.

and then you kept calling EVERY FUCKING THING I DID ABUSE

sounds like normal.

and it is just pissing em the fuck off now, you brought up things that had been dealt with and called us liars when your post was the fucking lie, i didn't even read your post when i replied to it, until after it was closed that is NOTHING NEAR WHAT HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE and you want to be in the server calling me a liar? no honestly you need to fucking think.


You started calling me a liar and that we had lied to sporky when we called him in like we are supposed to, when none of that is true, we told the ENTIRE FUCKING THING HOW IT HAPPENED IN ADMIN CHAT AND YOU SAID THE SAME THING, the only difference between your version and our version was we were adding in things from the previous 24 hours. and YOU CALL US A LIAR? WHEN YOU FUCKING CHANGED WHAT WAS SAID?


yeah. get off my dick, all you do is fucking instigate shit, if you weren't such an asshole and have to bring things up out of nowhere, i would not have blown up at you. I was told to leave you alone, I did, you called me a liar, I will fucking go off on you.

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Grow the fuck up guys. Jesus. If we keep getting conflicts from all of you guys, you guys will get demoted. It's easy to ignore each other. It's always "He said that,he did this" with you three. It's getting fucking old.


Clean up your acts or we will do it for you with consequences.


@@Chrono @@Duke @@Duplolas


~closed due to illogical thought processes

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