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Special Days Rules

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I am posting this seeing nothing come up on the search if there is something sorry.

anyways for the special days i am noticing some specific rules pop up i am just wondering is there specific rules for each day like is friendly fire just a regular day with FF on and no punishment for tking? or is it auto freeday when FF is on i am mostly unclear on this because i keep hearing different rulings from different mods and admins and i have yet to see any MOTD changes involving the special days and i just was hoping to nail down the exact rules of each.

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Only Ghostbusters and Predatory change the gameplay enough to require special rules; the rest are up to the warden/admins on the server at the time. There may be new rules posted soon though.

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well for the friendly fire one i wouldn't mind seeing that one as a mandatory freeday mostly since Ts kill each other for LR but CTs kill each other for Last ct and just blast all the Ts i would actually like to see some specific rules for this one at least it could be a bit more interesting if CTs couldn't kill each other or something or killing fellow CTs for Last CT wasn't allowed since CTs with guns will get last CT faster then Ts with knives will get LR

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Since everyone on xG is fratricidal, friendly fire won't actually enable until a random period of time elapses (1-5 minutes into the round). Preferably FF days should be played as regular days where CTs never kill each other and try to break up any fights that occur with the prisoners (i.e. play the actual role of the game).

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@@Starbuck the FF day still seems to be scripted for a specific time since every time i've seen it since that post it start around 6:40-7:00 can you change it to maybe 2 minutes at least into the round. CTs who buy it just sit there shooting at the team mate till FF turns on pretty please and thank you :)

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