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Mods and Admins scrimming

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I've been getting reports that a lot of the mods and admins are spending a lot of time in scrimmage rather than playing on the jailbreak server and moderating it, if I continue to get reports about this and nothing is being done, I will start getting on the scrim servers, and start kicking everyone with the reason "go moderate jailbreak", there were 8 mods on scrim at one point, this is ridiculous when I'm also getting messages about rule breakers and freekillers, you people were promoted because we higher ups felt that you guys earned it, just because you are mods does not mean you can slack off and feel entitled to do whatever you feel like doing. If you guys want to scrim, don't do it at like 8 pm EST at night when the servers are 50-55/64 players, do it when there are 25-30 or less


Either do your jobs or I will get others to replace you

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And then theres that other server.....Surf. yea we had 32 players on last night, what now!? but dont worry serbian, me n bigga got it locked down xD

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I know people get pissed when all the mods leave to scrim.. and this is understandable. But what makes me upset is when I come home and play jailbreak for an hour and a half almost every day and then I go to scrim once people immedietly start getting on my ass and messaging me complaining when I left when there are still other mods on.. Obviously don't be an idiot and leave the server unattended with NO mods on. But a bunch of you guys don't have to constantly bitch at me when there's still mods on... If there's a situation then its understandable but messaging me telling me that I left is just starting to get a bit annoying. There's other mods in the server too that you guys can ask for help, and you don't need to immedietly resort to, "0mg y u leave server u r terribad kill urself".


Just don't be an idiot and leave a crowded server without at least getting someone to fill your spot. And just bc a group of us have decided its fun to scrim doesn't mean everyone needs to freak out. And I'm not talking to you serbian, but the others. Very rarely do we leave the server completly unattanded and usually we only get 2-3 scrims max on weekdays anyways..


I dunno imo some people need to chill a bit. I'm not sure about others but it just makes me mad when I give 2 hours of time to admining and still get complaints about my leaving when other mods are still on..


And excuse some of these run on/ weird grammer in general sentences. I hate typing on my ipod >.>

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I myself have trouble even getting mods that are scrimming to come on and I am friends with A LOT of you. Sorta says something. When you have a server full of 40-50 people one or two mods doesn't cut the cake. Perhaps at some point I'll stop being lazy and apply.

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myself have trouble even getting mods that are scrimming to come on and I am friends with A LOT of you.

well then if your friends with a LOT of mods, then ull have what like 50odd mods on ur friends, so dont ask 5 - 8 mods that are scrimming ask the other 42+mods? just saying people go scrim. 1 its fun, 2 its a break from jb.

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3 the mods on at the time, are all in scrim. i will give you a prime fucking example because it was every day during summer.


Log on CSS, see JB is relatively full, think "hey i guess i should go help the people admining it out." get in, sm_who in console. see admins on are: Chrono. say "well shit lets check if anyone else is on." (mind you, i have a lot of the mods/admins added.) check them they are playing CSS if they are on, or they are away or something. view server info on them. ALL ARE FUCKING PLAYING SCRIM check TS and it is all mods/admins in the scrim lobby, save maybe 1 or 2 are non members.

Check the admin group. not many on save the scrimmers.


that was almost EVERY FUCKING DAY THIS SUMMER. you were promoted because it was felt you could help keep the servers running smoothly and handle issues. instead you leave the full jailbreak server with no other mods/admins on, and go scrim for a few hours.

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3 the mods on at the time, are all in scrim.


we have 50+mods so i dont think they are all in scrim, just sayin. and also if u check admin group theres people on there so yeaaaa we scrim theres loads more mods on to help out. dont play 24/7

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we have 50+mods so i dont think they are all in scrim, just sayin. and also if u check admin group theres people on there so yeaaaa we scrim theres loads more mods on to help out. dont play 24/7


you seem to have quoted my text that i put in, and made a claim, without even reading it. i clearly said that of the mods and admins on at the time, all of them are scrimming but a select few who actually do their job that are legitimately away, and myself duke and others have had to sit there alone in a full server every day for a few hours. please, if you are too incompetent to even read a fucking statement you know is fact, dont even bother posting after, or quoting it. thank you. :)

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Glad your taking such offense to this bees. To be honest I have forgotten completely about you since I can not recall the last time I saw you play Jail Break and I usually play daily. I am probably friends with about 12-15 moderators/admins/divisionleaders/ ect. Most of the time when I am on I usually only see about 6-8 on. Few come when called, most of the time if they are playing another server and I message about needing a mod on jailbreak im ignored. But yet if they are in jailbreak and I message them they respond right away. It's funny. I'm not naming anyone in particular, so why your so offended is beyond me.

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To be honest maybe you should start talking to the people that are moderators on CSS that don't even go on it rather than the mods who scrim because most of the mods that scrim actually go on the jb server. There are plenty of moderators that don't even make appearances on CSS anymore.

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Glad your taking such offense to this bees.


hmm "taking offense"? its called not been retarded and asking the "8" mods that are in a scrim to go do something on jb server. when theres other mods that arnt doing anything, go ask them to go mod? not that hard?


To be honest I have forgotten completely about you since I can not recall the last time I saw you play Jail Break and I usually play daily.


did i even know you? lol n yea im gmt so yea u wont see me on k?

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did i even know you? lol n yea im gmt so yea u wont see me on k?


but we do see you on, in scrim.



when theres other mods that arnt doing anything, go ask them to go mod? not that hard?


it is hard, when they aren't online on steam, or when they are online, they are away and they have been for a while because their computer is asleep.



There are plenty of moderators that don't even make appearances on CSS anymore.


that is partially due to the fact that some of the mods on CSS were carried over from TF2 etc. because SM was global then. and since it hasn't been global for a while some tend to ignore CSS etc.


also referring to the statement we have 50+ mods, that is a generalization because yes, we have 50+mods and higher.... not 50+mods. :)


we have 34 mods, seeing as duke no longer has CSS powers.


and when 8 of them are in scrim, it takes a chunk out of the administrating force, especially when that is the group of mods that is on at that time, and almost everyone else is doing something else or not even there.

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but we do see you on, in scrim.


yea i scrim everyday point? i play 1-3 maps thats it because im on late.


50+mods and higher.... not 50+mods.


well serb said different

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