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Essay Contest

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Alright I will be doing a monthly essay contest for 25,000 credits :)


Basically here is how it works:

I post a video or image

You write an essay on it as a post on this thread.

Whichever is the deepest and most profound wins. And by this I mean the funniest in that deep and profound way.


The contest ends September 1st!


Some information about the essay:



So yeah :) I'll post the current video in the second comment and we go from there!

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Pro Choice?, An Essay on why it’s Okay to Kill a Nigga.

.........In the video “Pro Choice Response”, artvandelay4heyhey takes a different stance to the average abortion video stating that the baby could have been the next “Osama Bin Laden” for those who aren’t familiar with Laden’s work, it includes “See I told you so”, “[MEDIA=amazon]0671871218[/MEDIA] “Twlight”, [MEDIA=amazon]0316160172[/MEDIA] and “Necrophilia Variations”. [MEDIA=amazon]0970497113[/MEDIA]. The creator of the video tries to persuade people to side with Pro Life through Pathos, Logos, and Ethos.

.........The creator of this video tried all different types of Pathos techniques in order to persuade the watcher to love the thought of killing children. At one point the creator shows various photos of the twin towers falling, this is supposed to be interpreted as the circle of life, as the towers fall yes, we do lose human life but we have so many chances for rebirth if we just keep disallowing abortion. He also shows numerous pictures of a sonogram for the baby, basically letting you get to know this child then saying that it’s okay to kill it. He’s trying to scare you from abortion but through reverse psychology!

.........The Logos was probably the thing that stuck out the most in this tale, you see, it said that the father was leaving while the child was young. The only parents that do that are African American, they wanted you to feel sick letting a child die that was African American because Black babies are cute.( http://www.babies-cute.com/wp-conten...abies-Cute.jpg) They also said the mother would have it hard but let’s be serious, if it’s a black mother, what else are they doing with their time? 80% of black women are obese, so having a kid may help them at least have a proper reason to be obese.

.........They tried to appeal to your Ethos through abortion, everybody’s taken a stance whether they want to admit it or not. He chose pictures that you’d associate with bad things (The towers from lord of the rings falling) (A black baby) (A poorly edited video) (the user name artvandelay4heyhey). This was a ticking time bomb for you to associate children with negative acts.

.........In conclusion, Although Black people are starting to make the world overcrowded, I do not believe they should be killed.

I started out trying, but got lazy in the end. Sorry Silence!

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About eight weeks after fertilization, almost all organs of the child in the womb have completely formed. The exceptions are the spinal cord and brain, which continue to develop during pregnancy. In the video “Pro Choice Response”, artvandelay4heyhey gives a back story on how the child will live if it is born. The user then goes on to say "this child will become Osama Bin Laden." Ones stance on abortions should not be decided based on this video due to its lack of actual fact and complete and udder unlikelihood.


The video "Pro Choice Response" gives a brief back story of what Osama Bin Laden's life was like following his birth. However, no evidence points to Osama's father leaving his mother, a single mother raising him on her own, or even Osama facing hardships as a child. The lack of evidence and no physical proof should be enough to persuade any single, pregnant mother that her child, despite possibly growing up facing hardships, is going to be the next Bin Laden. However, this is not to say a child will not face hardships while growing up. If this is an issue one is struggling with, I urge you to think again. Take Steve Jobs, for example. Founder of Apple, Jobs' biological mother was an unwed, college graduate who put up for adoption. But imagine what the world would be like if he had been aborted? No iTunes, Ipod, iPad, etc. Inside of a mother's womb could be the next Steve Jobs! And just think about the millions of abortions that have taken place in the last couple of decades. How many other Jobs's have we just killed off?


"Pro Choice Response" is also highly unlikely to occur. It is very unlikely for a child to go into terrorism as a result of the hardships faced while growing up. The video is attempting to make the viewer worry about something that we don't even know happened for sure. Linking two completely different things and playing dramatic music to scare one into getting an abortion is both outrageous and just plain stupid. However, it is sad to think that the American people believe what they watch and will believe in such nonsense.

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