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So, there's a rule about racism that doesn't really make very much sense.


The rule is(hopefully not going to get edited):

You can say nigga, but you can't say nigger.

You can say beaner, but you can't say nigger.

You can say chink, but you can't say nigger.


It's this one word that apparently strikes fear into the heart of many, but the truth is making every other word acceptable besides that is more racist then letting people say nigger(which isn't even bad unless there's someone who takes offense to that word, and seriously, when is there anyone who does in our servers?).


So, I propose that we do this:

Make all of these words okay, with these exceptions:

1. Not when there is someone who legitimately takes offense to the word.

2. When used in an exaggerated racist comment. Examples:

Not exaggerated racist comment - loool that nigger killed me (assuming dude is not black)

Exaggerated racist comment - Dude, we should kill all the niggers in the world.



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Lol this already is the rule :P

As long as no one takes honest offense to it, it doesn't really matter.


The second racist comment he said may or may not be a good idea


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Our racism rule is already pretty generalized and proper. I hate it when people enforce/spread that "you can say nigga but not nigger" rule, since it implies so many loopholes to people new to the servers.


Really, all members need to do is shy from that mindset of "you can say nigga but not nigger" shit and whatnot and enforce that wall of text down there instead.


11. Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severally. The person these comments are directed too and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately.



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ay my nigga you starting beef with me dog? ill beat you ass beaner fuck.


Can i say beaner? I'm a spic myself, from brazil. :applause:

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Awhile back all the mods and admins got into a room in TS3 and discussed some rules. This was one of them.


Basically, from what I understood, any racist term, no matter the letter change, its technically against the rules. Now, words like nigga mods and admins dont give a shit about, because in the end its up to their discretion if its being used negatively to pick on other players. But if they use the word nigga and then punish another player for using it, then its technically abuse. As they are being hypocritical. If they consider it to be bad, then they have to punish everyone for saying it, if they do.




So really nigga is fine because no one gives a shit about it, but really any other racist term is different depending on the mod or admin, as well as if they are using it offensively

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The way I grew up I was taught not to use racism words period which included "n**ger." Although I am not African American, I still take offense to this word just that's just how I was raised.

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