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Black people on RPG Surf

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This is a suggestion for both Surf servers.

If you ever happen to have played and made the mistake of buying something you didn't want by accident, so you went ahead and sold it back, you notice that you sell it for less credits that you bought it.


The thing with this is that, for example (100% accurate), if I bought something for 10 credits, I'd end up selling it for something like 7 (happens with all items), but, all the "items" on the rpg cost multiples of 5 (Ex: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25...) So in the end, you end up losing credits and with some other spare credits on you, that you'll never be able to use.


So my suggestion is, make it so you can sell the "item" you bought for the same price. I think it could give some dynamic to the game. Sort of like Diablo 3, where you'll just change your skills every time and try something new and try a different build.

I'd be cool like go full health, or play with pistols or knife or w/e you feel like trying. That way you can try different "items" that you prolly wouldn't be able to try. And if you happen to buy something by accident, you'll just be able to sell it and get all your creds back.


wellyehherro, could this be possible? (Since adding new maps to surf dm wasn't -_-")

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How the fuck do you access your credit on CSS? I'm still fucking lost and absent-minded at how to use it, and what is the point of it? Like herp derp, I got me some fucking points, I might as well buy a cosmetic item making me appear as a black guy.

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you should be able to get it right the first time you buy it :P


Yeah, but that's not all there is is to it.

I mean, lets say you make a mistake and fuck everything up, so you¡ll have to reset back from level 30 or something simply to fix something like that.


Also, say I get it all right and I'm at level 40, what else is there? I'd be cool if I could sell some stuff and try some new things just for experimenting or for the lols, I don't see what's the reason for having to reset every time you want to try something new.

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