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CT Ban Appeal Koenza

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Well this seems kinda fishy to me. Could you check your steam id again to make sure that it is correct. Also when were you last on our servers. Because right now all we know is you were banned when we cant find anything showing that you actually got banned. We dont know when you were on our servers last. We dont know what you did wrong. And we dont know who banned you. We cant do anything until something comes up telling us what happened. I mean maybe a unban could work and just see if you do anything wrong again, but id give it a couple more days until someone can possibly speak up about what happened, and then if no one does I guess you could get unbanned. @Link_

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Wait like wat do u mean glitch? As in people just get randomly banned? And btw link idk if u say me say this the other day but Happy Birthday and even tho i didnt win any credits that was very nice of u. @Link_

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alrighty so since we can't find you on the CT ban list, it must mean that you got banned by a CT glitch that we've had. We have fixed it I believe so next time you are on our servers, please message a mod or admin to un-CT ban you IF you are still team banned from the glitch.

Sorry for the inconvenience :)


Ps. Thanks for the bday wish :) and I'll do more giveaways soon!



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