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Banned for "Scripting"

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I was the one who banned you. I dont have a demo, but i used to use scripts, and i know what they look like. At points, you were double jumping. When you would turn a corner, and stop, you would still take another jump, which would be when you take your hand off your spacebar (or whichever key your bind is). So i gave you the benefit of a doubt, and didnt do anything for a few rounds. You still kept doing all the same telltale signs of scripting, so i looked up your steam ID, and you noticed that you have a history of hacking (you are on hack websites). @@GanjaMonster and @@Duke were both there. I think duke was afk though.


We'll wait for the xG community to vouch in on this issue, but all in all @Link_ , @@Jihad and @serbian (what the fuck is his forum name?) have the final say

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I was bunnyhopping which is not hard to do when you got 9 ping like me and good server connection. I was NOT scripting.


And i looked up my steam id and the only thing is the hellgamers thing from me misusing my admin power on there jialbreak server,

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If @Poncher is that sure that you were using scripts then I'd trust his judgement. Although maybe reduce it to a month-3 months cause of no video.

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doesnt SMAC usualy ban scripters?


If the script injects anything into CSS. I used to use an auto-hopper. pretty much you hold the spacebar and it times the jumps almost perfectly for you.

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If the script injects anything into CSS. I used to use an auto-hopper. pretty much you hold the spacebar and it times the jumps almost perfectly for you.


SMAC will detect scripts if it spams jump which is what most bhop scripts do but if the bhop is injected it will be able to detect when you touch the ground and be able to "jump" exactly when you hit the ground, so it doesn't spam it and is undetected by smac. But the injectable ones almost always get you vac'd

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+1 I think he should have a 1 month ban but not a perm ban. I know other websites marked him as a hacker but give him 1 more shot. If he screws this up then you can perm but give him a 1 month ban.

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I think he should have a 1 month ban but not a perm ban. I know other websites marked him as a hacker but give him 1 more shot. If he screws this up then you can perm but give him a 1 month ban.


If he scripted, isn't the protocol a permanent ban?


If he truly didn't script, why ban him at all?

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