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Aki0 JB GO Admin Abuse

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I never gave orders on a freeday and this dude obviously knew what the buttons would do, he mass team killed about 15-20 people and his claim was it was his first day playing and he didn't know what the buttons would do. And my orders were stay on the dance floor and do not leave it or you do. He left pressed the only button that massively kills everyone and then he said he hadn't read server rules, which you are suppose to. And yes I did move the subway back and forth on the freeday. My intention wasn't to kill anyone but 2 ts ran into the train it well i was backing up.

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I haven't read this at all but I would like to point out one thing. Starbuck and tennisnoob don't really like Aki0 so I doubt that Tennisnoob really put effort into his +1 for admin abuse. Also Nighty I don't see you play cs go at all/often.

I haven't read all of it yet and I probably won't but I might.

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What I was getting at in my post was, CSGO is so glitchy right now, that its extremely easy for you to make a mistake, or anyone else to. And due to the fact that 99% of those who play CT are complete shit, as a mod you get into this type of zone, a zone that is just fucking horrible. Basically you start to assume after awhile that when you see someone possibly break a rule, you think, OH ANOTHER RETARD FREEKILLING! And it just annoys you so much that you just want to take your keyboard and use it as a baseball bat and then use your computer screen as a ball! And its even worse when it happens to you. Ive been in a vent multiple times that a CT breaks open on the other end and then kills me and like 4 others Ts as well. And i just fill with rage because you know that if it was CSS that would never happen 5 times in 2 hours! I mean no wonder CSGO crashes all the time, its because its purposely trying to get you to punch in your monitor with rage. And it makes sense that it does that because Valve is now going into the hardware field, its so when you punch in your monitor you by a new one from them!


TL;DR CSGO makes you assume that everyone is complete shit and that when you are 75% they freekilled someone, you basically add 25% to that because you know how shit they are. And when it happens to you, you add 1000% to it. So yes Akio did freeslay, but CSGO pushed him to it lol. Honestly, I have freeslayed once because of a shit warden who caused another CT to break a rule, and I slay myself and apologize to him, and he didnt get pissed at me, he got pissed at the warden.


*Edit: Sorry for this rage post, just so much pent up stress from CSGO!

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I have not watched the demo so I won't vote yet, but Min has a reputation of accusing mods of admin abuse. The other day, I slayed him for freenading while he clames he threw it @ a rebel. I checked console and he had not hit the rebel with a nade so i slayed him. He spent the entire next round complaining about a freeslayer.

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I was there when this went down but I didn't witness it first hand so I can't add much to this report. Also the demo won't play for me, not really sure what is wrong. Anyways, I've always found Akio to be a good admin, follows the rules and as far as I can tell, doesn't let his emotions come into his decision making as an admin. That said I personally don't have any reason to believe Minneapolis is lying or anything of the sort. I'd say one of the two made a bad call/mistake and that it probably isn't such a big deal. Now kiss and make up!

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Alright, after watching the demo, I have to say, the first time Aki0 slayed Minneapolis it might have been a freeslay because I did see Aki0 moving while everyone else was frozen, but I really cant confirm that it was a freelslay since I don't know when he was supposed to be AFK frozen.

The second slay is definitely not a freeslay, you told the 3 T's you get shoulder to shoulder, Aki0 moved and got near a T that wasn't shoulder to shoulder with the other T's, Aki0 realizes that and then moves to the other T's so he could be shoulder to shoulder and then you killed him and let the other T's live.

I also checked the logs and found this



This is Aki0:


Oct 8, 2012 04:07:11 He trolls and breaks rules every day, next is a week ban already [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 04:06:26 Stop lying [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 04:06:07 I was [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 04:05:45 First warning, next is ban for week [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 04:05:21 Jackass [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 04:05:17 No I didn't




This is Minneapolis:


Oct 8, 2012 4:18:30 am i Demoed all that [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:18:26 am Bad move by aki0 [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:18:16 am Hes getting banned [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:18:11 am alright i have my demo now [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:17:32 am You kept moving, i said line up shoulder to shoulder and freeze, once you were shoulder to shoulder you moved further down the [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:17:03 am Nice abuse [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:14:51 am gg [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:06:41 am So ill show you it later [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:06:33 am Im making a demo right now [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:06:18 am No, you moved your mouse after you were frozen [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:06:04 am Its AFK Freeze. [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:05:57 am I killed you [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:05:49 am Akio you moved your mouse a little bit [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:05:20 am You did [xG] Jailbreak

Oct 8, 2012 4:05:14 am Abuse


The only time I saw Aki0 disrespecting you was when he called you "Jackass", and although he shouldn't have done that, It's really not worth a demotion in my opinion.

It's not hard to see you 2 have something against eachother, and my only advice is, both of you should drop it now before it gets out of hand and someone gets banned or demoted.


So I'm gonna go ahead and -1, I think Aki0 is a good admin and shouldn't be demoted, but I'll let Starbuck decide what to do with Aki0 since apparently this is not the first time something like this has happened.

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I've heard reports of akio abusing before which was why I was concerned but this seems like a misunderstanding, and even if it's not these offenses aren't top bad, I wanted to wait until I saw chat logs until I gave my vote, but I'm going to have to -1 ive had people telling me that akio would get on slay random people, ban people for no reason, disrespect everyone. But all these reports are from late at night, I have never seen any of these from akio before, If he truly is abusing we need real proof.


Tldr; leave akio alone unless you have solid proof of disrespect/abuse

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Really appreciate the comments above. I usually come on during the night hours and sometimes during the day but I'm usually by myself. I'm pretty upset that I keep getting negative feedback from the CS:GO community because I know I have been putting in the hours of moderating. I will let the higher ups decide what they want to do with me, but quite frankly I am on the verge of resigning as mod already.

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All of us get trolled/bad feedback from csgo, to be honest most of the actually mature or decent people are xg members (Maybe like 5) so everyone is immature and a troll, don't let it get to you, just don't directly respond to their bs, just gag say stop, kick, then ban, don't give anything to let them feed off of, just msg me when I'm on if it gets out of hand

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I'm just going to say this.


Akio is a mod I trust above all others. I dare anyone in xG to go undercover at like 2 am when Akio's on and see him mod. He's crystal clean, by the book, and I have NEVER, EVER seen this guy do anything to abuse anyone who didn't deserve a slay/ct ban.


Minneapolis is a troll. I've seen it firsthand, ask any of the regulars who have played with him. Free kills.

And Jesus... MonsterDog, a.k.a. Towlie, you're an even bigger troll...

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Well this is pathetic.

He even lies after the demo was posted.


Denied everything. Never owned up to a single fucking thing.

And of course you ALL disregarded any of the truth.


And Ron, you are a shit admin, i never reported you because your not a dickhead like Aki0.

You have rage quit almost every night because people call you out on your bullshit abuse/not knowing the rules..


I just love how people here deny everything as if i made all this shit up for fun.

This is a joke even posting abuse here.

And Unique you have 1 days worth of him abusing.

1 DAY out of the last 2 weeks.

Lets just all ignore all the facts, and go by opinions. *facepalm*


I was going to donate, i was going to join xG, but you guys obviously cant even handle an admin abuse case properly.

Aki0 is a raging admin who has no idea what the rules are, he has abused for weeks, and you slap him on the back???


Fuck this.

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