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css lockpick

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@@Starbuck @Link_ ok so you its like the bombs would cost 500 credits for each use and its a cell lock pick that you can open your cell, seomtime the pick can snap or get lost like if you loose it you get a message like "oh your pick fell out of your cell blah blah or you have dropped your pick, you're pick has snapped in half. The pick might work or might not we can get like pick for 250 that they got %25 of luck to open cells $300 credits those have %40 and 500 for a %85 chance to open the cells. And if some1 opens the cell there would be a message in chat saying One of the cells has been breached or unlocked so the admins wouldn't call freeday out of nowhere

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Its a smart idea Even though they have a great advantage will places 2 escape. Me personally its smart but their can be so much problems with that Idea like glitches that can really mess up a cell, I just thinking about the glitches that can happen like if u try to open your cell but for some reason it opens another cell. Then that would be a waste of credits.

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Seem's like a good idea. Scripting that would be a pain.

I like the idea of an easier rebel. It teaches CT's/Warden how to play well/better.



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From a coder/mapper perspective, this wouldn't work, the cell doors are usually all named the same or have the same parent (that's why they all open at the same time) etc. so individual cells wouldnt be able to open independently, unless the mapper named them individually.

A work-around could involve teleporting out of the cell, but I personally think most of our maps have enough rebelling options already.

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From a coder/mapper perspective, this wouldn't work, the cell doors are usually all named the same or have the same parent (that's why they all open at the same time) etc. so individual cells wouldnt be able to open independently, unless the mapper named them individually.

A work-around could involve teleporting out of the cell, but I personally think most of our maps have enough rebelling options already.

there is a way to open an individual cell some divs admins have the command and it could be by the use of that command

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I'm definitely for this if it costs more credits than a medium bomb something like 250-400. True that Ts have enough ways to rebel and good advantages on certain maps; unfortunately the maps that are harder to rebel on seldom get played anymore. This seems like a generally easier way to rebel. Yet it is less effective than a bomb if the warden does his job correctly at the start of the round. It punishes bad cts and rewards good ones! +1

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I suppose it has it's positives and its negatives, and it's not like it'd be used all the time with it costing so much. The admin command for !open usually works for the admins cell from what I've seen, so maybe it could be tied into that function? And it would improve CT's because as long as you called out of cell rebel straight away it could cut down round times if they use it to open cells and others try to escape.

+1 I'd say

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+1. I'd like to see this happen, but I think it'd be very difficult to pull off. The main thing for me about this is what Gkoo was saying. I like the idea of making it a little easier for T's to rebel, while at the same time making some overall better Ct's. Plus on certain maps it can be very difficult to rebel at all, and I think this would help that out.

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