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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/15 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Selfie Sunday

    So @Ohstopyou wanted this so here it is
  2. 1 point

    Selfie Sunday

    why hasn't this post been burned yet ?
  3. 1 point


    The real question is when are your not on Pokémon trade.... +1 A:9 M:8
  4. 1 point

    Farewell Xg

    Good luck with school!:waving:
  5. 0 points


    I think now it is time to say goodbye. I know I have said goodbye before then came back a week later but this time I think this will be permanently. I have had my good times in this clan and some bad times. I have been really nice to some and an ass to others. I feel as if now I just want to start the next chapter of my life and I want to leave you guys on a good note. This clan really made me feel at home, thanks for the awesome moments. I am not going to go through the long goodbye list BS. I want to say before I go that Liekos is the leader of my channel, i might hop on once in a blue moon so I want to keep it. I am also not going to remove you all on steam, but since I won't be on steam for who knows how long I would not be mad if you removed me. Wish you all the best ~Dethman
  6. 0 points

    Farewell Xg

    Circumstances has forced me to leave the XG community. I'm going to step down because I feel I won't be able to uphold my duty as a moderator. I've chosen to try and increase my grades and video gaming is holding me back. Do not expect to see me until at least a year or two. Thank you XG for bringing funny moments and enjoyable experiences. ~Gugomo
  7. 0 points


    obligatory K. But srsly im gonna miss you :(
  8. -1 points


    Perm ip banned for dry cereal as well as @Tsuchikure for somehow trying to sjw that concept, happy reboobaling! ~Snadckbarino
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