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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/20 in Posts

  1. 0 points

    Ultimate Cook Book!

    Old School Pasta Carbonara Boil a handful of pasta While pasta is cooking, chop up bacon into roughly 1/2 to 1 inch pieces and pan cook on medium high heat. After bacon is cooked 85% of the way strain excess grease (leave some for cooking veggies) add mushrooms and whatever other vegetables you want to cook into the pan and cook them out. When all veggies and bacon are cooked out remove from heat, add pasta and 3 egg yolks, and 3-5 tablespoons butter and mix to incorporate. Add Parmesan cheese, and pepper (taste and check for salt. Bacon should make plenty of salt for it.) mix and eat. makes 2 large portions
  2. -1 points

    StarfleetPups - Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name StarfleetPups Primary Division Team Fortress 2 Previous Member No Profile Starfleet-Pups#4825 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198419599136/ Age 22 Previously Banned No Time Active on Servers 8-12 hours Reason for Joining i wanted to join mostly because i found a pokemon server that would make things fun for a friend. been having some trouble trying to vote on a map or trying to get to a certian server. it says one way is to apply so here i go. i also love to help out, i play on counter strike once in awhile, i recently got garry mods and i am usually on discord 24/7 cause i own a discord server and i can be get a hold of if there an emergency on fandom. i would love to see more maps for tf2 mostly pokemon maps. :)
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