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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. Many comply because they can understand most of the time, But others cannot which wouldn't be any fun for them because everytime your warden they die. Besides this would only applies at the beginning of the round where they are order out of there cell

  2. and I even repeat b4 people type "repeat"!)


    You sure do repeat.. But still quickly.. I know you don't want rebellers.. But at least do something else instead of making the time limit to do such order 5 second and speaking quickly than opening the cells giving the T's no time to ask for repeats.. "The warden must repeat the orders at least once and it must be clear when asked (only the beginning order when out of cells)" But speaking in such speed is not so clear for many.

  3. Well you see ^ he repeats himself but very fast probably not understandable to many. So increasing the time will let others have the chance to actually type in the word "Repeat" and than the warden can actually repeat orders clearly so that others can understand.

  4. Lol.. You said i change the rules for my benefits tho i followed the orders quickly and nvr died once. This rule is being enforce for the fellow T's or other players so they can actually play instead of getting shot at the beginning of the round because they couldn't understand you.


    And its not unfair for Ct's, Clearly they just need to be more careful.. All i see in giving only 5 second is kill whore wardens.

  5. Nope, Giving such a short amount of time + Speaking quickly is just not so fun for majority of the T's at most times because they can't even ask for a repeat because they would have been dead because they got shot in the face by a ct. 5 seconds is not much time to ask for a repeat and how is this to be abuse? when it may only be asked once but seeing how you repeated the order quickly it's just no fun.

  6. Sir, After playing with you.. and seeing how you warden.. I decided to start enforcing that rule , I had already repeated myself over admin chat to all to see that it will be enforced. You even saw it and called us admins "♥♥♥♥♥". The reason this will be enforce is because when you spoke quickly giving orders only 5 second to do so.. It's hard to ask for a repeat when they have to type it and by the time you actually see the chat and answer they're already dead. Also, i have never said you cannot speak quickly.. But when asked for a repeat to speak clearly so that others can understand not speaking so fast because you don't want to get shot in the face.

  7. Also you left some out :3


    Me: clearly i did not lock it. I had posted after aegean locked the forums. You have no changed i've seen you in Jailbreak and ur still the same.. Disrespecting others tho you said you aren't but the way you say stuff to other make it sounds alot like disrespect. You make it so your the innocent one. i know how you are most the time. Still the same as back than where u tried to use the rules against me, Say crap about me when im not there.

    Me: Clearly your still annoying, Disrespectful.

    Me: You turn stuff on people.

    Me: Clearly if u keep this going while im around in the server.. you'll be gone good day sir and good bai

    Me: Clearly. I don't seek no attention , Giving you a heads up to quit your troll, disrespect. Idc about who takes the last word i am just saying whats on my mind.

    Me: Don't make up crap. The way you speak to other is disrespect , Don't even say it's not . You are a troll. The past is the past? you say? You have not changed. the way you speak to another when you dislike them or just trolling is obvious.

    Me: You say you have never troll? have you ever took the time to listen to yourself at all?

    Me: The way you speak most the time shows disrespect and troll.

    Me: yes you did.

    Me: clearly you did.

    Me: your annoying. Your disrespectful.

    Me: Some may not see it but others do.

    Me: certainly... you are annoying..

    Me: in game..

    Me: you scream on your mic

    Me: you sing

    Me: almost all the time

    Me: it annoys many

    Me: and when someone say something about you being disrespectful and such you turn it around . Makin it seem like your the innocent one.. You use the rule against mod+ to

    Me: You sing/talk over warden constantly..

    Me: here the definition of annoying -

    Causing irritation or annoyance: "annoying habits".

    Me: did i say it was disresepctful?

    Me: i clearly said its annoying

    Me: sir

    Me: no i did not

    Me: please c/p where i just said its disrespectful please.

    Me: no response?

    Me: Sir, clearly when i said when you speak most the time it shows disrespect in it.

    Me: ?

    Me: did i say your singing is disrespectful?

    Me: no.

    Me: clearly.

    Me: im just telling you, quit the trolling , disrespect . Keep it to minimum which you seek none. And do it almost all the time.

    Me: clearly you are.

    Me: you say you are not. But truly you r.

    Me: Im only speaking the truth.

    Me: Truth be told. That you are .

    Me: Back me in to a corner? Dont make me laugh

    Me: clearly i do play jb.

    Me: and yes i was there in jb with you.

    Me: clearly here you go. urban dictionary of trolling :

    Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.

    Me: and your not no innocent by-stander.

    Me: clearly, as you can see we joke with eachother. But you clearly do not.

    Me: Maybe in the present?

    Me: yes

    Me: clearly he wasn't even there

    Me: He already knows i have that binded

    Me: i use it alot

    Me: while he is there to

    Me: clearly he does nothin.

    Me: and just laughs

    Me: and jokes back

    Me: Clearly he did not gag me

    Me: Its as if you think you can do alot because aegean is here.

    Me: as i stated.

    Me: i didn't say you said that.

    Me: getting mad? i've nvr seen you mad? all i've seen is you makin other mads

    Me: As i shall repeat myself, Punishment will come.

    Me: congratz ^ your not mad anymore

    Me: Now i will say this. Punishment shall come when the time is right.

    Me: !

    A_Sock: please and thank you.

    A_Sock: Also you forgot you're line.

    A_Sock: Good day sir.

    Me: Clearly, i stated punishment wil come when the time is right - meaning you will be punished if you continue.

    A_Sock: If i contue what?

    A_Sock: Singing in jb.

    Me: Don't play dumb


    A_Sock: Talking over warden cause i rebel.


    A_Sock: Don't play smart.

    Me: nice try at your troll ^

    Me: aha

    A_Sock: Nice try at yours.

    Me: troll? i see no troll i have made.

    A_Sock: You use the word so loosley which makes me upset. i mean how can you use the word troll not knowing what it means

    Me: upset?

    Me: and what you do don't upset many or me?

    A_Sock: Asking me if im mad, going on about something that is over, Don't play dumb, And now your newest 1. "upset"

    Me: heard of counter troll?

    A_Sock: What do i do please, tell me you have yet to tell me, or provide a recent time were i have trolled. or did something wrong

    A_Sock: Counter troll? You mean that makes it ok?

    A_Sock: A troll is a troll, learn your facts please.

    Me: maybe record yourself when you speak and listen

    A_Sock: So you can't name a time

    A_Sock: yet you say i do

    A_Sock: *scratches head*

    Me: name a time?

    A_Sock: Not 1 recent event were i've trolled.

    Me: how about the time when you and duke were both muted by aegean?

    Me: clearly you speak as if u jsut wanted to make another mad.

    A_Sock: If this was going over Dc-vs-R It was a joke at first, then turned into something more srs, yes i did apolgise to duke, yes he did accept it, yes there was nothing posted on forums

    A_Sock: Again?

    Me: clearly not about dc vs r

    A_Sock: Yes it was, see

    A_Sock: once again you have no idea what your talking about

    A_Sock: any time i trolled\annoyed duke, was were it was about r being better then dc

    Me: again you fail to troll.

    A_Sock: please for god sakes get your facts straight before you tell them

    A_Sock: Can't stress that enough.

    Me: i thought u haven't trolled xG

    A_Sock: you do not know what your talking about you have to make stuff up on the fly. to make it look like your right

    A_Sock: When did i say i haven't?

    Me: sec.

    A_Sock: My god, you are so annoying.

    Me: or have i trolled any 1 sence i been back in xG.

    Me: clearly you stated ^ that and again you stated "ny time i trolled\annoyed duke, was were it was about r being better then dc"

    A_Sock: I belive, it was apolgised for, and nothing was posted on the forums

    A_Sock: But nice try.

    A_Sock: Anyways, another?

    Me: please think before you type.

    A_Sock: As to you

    Me: caught you in your own lies _

    A_Sock: As to you.

    Me: nice try.

    A_Sock: No not lies

    A_Sock: Sorry.

    A_Sock: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

    Me: you have tried your best but it wasn't good enuff

    A_Sock: No once again your attempting to troll me.

    Me: once again i am not.

    Me: i am only speaking the truth.

    A_Sock: Trying to post a cocky statement trying to get somone to respond. is trolling if you didnt know

    A_Sock: i am sorry you are to ignorant to know the defination of something, that has been on the internet for a long time.

    A_Sock: Maybe 1 day you will understand it.

    Me: :3

    Me: clearly you've been doing that alot ^

    A_Sock: maybe one day, you won't be cocky\ignorant.

    A_Sock: But 1 can only dream.

    Me: maybe one day you won't be so annoying and trolling.

    A_Sock: Yep maybe one day, Oh looks like that's the day, and the next day, and so on.

    Me: oh my? really, or are u just lying to yourself and me?

    A_Sock: But atleast you try, you stood in there for quite a while. Didnt expect it. but i am sorry to say, you lost the game.

    A_Sock: ^ look im you

    Me: oh my what a fail attempt of trying to troll and turn stuff on me.

    A_Sock: Nope just trying to be like the #1 xG role model

    A_Sock: You have encouraged me so much from your past statements

    Me: you can nvr be a good role model for xG.

    A_Sock: i'll try to talk like you

    A_Sock: Did i say i was trying to be.

    A_Sock: Lol.

    A_Sock: PLease read carefully.

    Me: Please quit trolling ;3

    A_Sock: Just abustley ignorant. When you have more intelligence find me.

    Me: Clearly i found you this moment


    A_Sock: Don't know how someone can say that much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, and be happy about it. Really hope you do not give that much lies in real life, isnt good for you..

    Me: lies you say? i speak the truth within this chat

    Me: you should rethink about what you just said

    A_Sock: Yah, what ever you say silly goose.

    Me: Your trolling, disrespecting will not be ignored.

    A_Sock: You're the best!

    Me: maybe the time will come this month! where the day comes and justice is brought , Many will be happy , Few will be sad.

    A_Sock: Awesome!

    A_Sock: Anything else to add, all mighty duckii.

    Me: sure

    A_Sock: You've inspired me to be on my best behavior for ever, i will be a brain washed player, scared of power. and learn his place.

    A_Sock: You're the best.

    Me: try not to turn the story on me and make it so that your the innocent one in this when you speak to aegean

    A_Sock: Already showed him the log, didnt say anything just said do something, nothing enough to get your arrogant ♥♥♥ out of here.

    A_Sock: But you honestly don't know when to stop.

    A_Sock: poor poor child

    Me: don't worry you won't see me again most likely when action is taken.

    A_Sock: Don't see why action would be taken, But let's hope i don't do anything wrong

    A_Sock: you'll be watching. I know it!

    A_Sock: If or when the day comes, Hopefully there is sufficient proof. and i'll plus 1 it my self if there is, Good luck!

    Me: don't worry soon enough.. Soon.

    A_Sock: Let's take this rabid guy down once and for all.

    Me: sure ill show you proof , and this chat clearly will be one and i will have supporting people.

    A_Sock: So now you are saying you have people that are going to be favoring you

    A_Sock: big ol screen cap.

    Me: clearly, not favoring but will be my witness.


    A_Sock: The chat is your witness. ok, Hope this chat proves that you are arrogant, don't know when to stop after i asked you numerous times. but just kept contueing

    A_Sock: who knows, maybe it will backfire.

    A_Sock: David and Goliath go at it again, Main event?

    Me: clearly i stated this will be 1 of the proof, and i will have witness (people)

    Me: try getting that in your head

    A_Sock: sorry it's thick.

    Me: clearly.

    A_Sock: Anyways, you clearly stated you have people that will favor you

    A_Sock: o that's a big ol screen cap.

    Me: oh my favor me? ! Think again, they will be the witness of your troll,disrespect, and annoyance !

    A_Sock: Annoyance? You woulnd't stop messing me i said it's over.

    A_Sock: nd you kept on goin.

    A_Sock: Messaging*

    Me: i am only speaking the truth to you which you have made lies. So i shall tell the truth until you geti t.

    A_Sock: Learn to stop, Grow out of your, Im 15 everything is right phase, and learn the world.

    Me: learn the world? maybe you should rethink that

    A_Sock: Cool you've said that multiple times, i said what was on my mind, I said don't take offence to it, just venting, and yet you contue to go on about it after i say stop.

    A_Sock: Grow up..

    Me: "Grow up" phase again! oh noe! i should totally grow up , And im the immature kid around here! think again .

    Me: i am only giving you warning, and you continue to deny everything i said :3.

    A_Sock: I act immature but cerntinly know when to act my age\the needed part. You don't act the same age, the same way, every time.

    Me: soo lying is acting your age?

    A_Sock: I don't want your warnin go ahead post the ban request post the member protest, i fought for what was right, as you kept going on as i defended my self, as you defended your self. You wanted this you wanted to keep going in, SO f***ING POST IT, let's go see how it comes down. Don't just go threw all this get me to say all this, i get you to say all this

    A_Sock: and give me a f***ing warning.

    A_Sock: Go all out. I want this over with this feud, this useless fighting

    Me: clearly you started this chat

    A_Sock: in the clan for no less then 1month now, and you want me out

    Me: you had caused this yourself by chatting me

    Me: being in a clan for a certain amount don't really mean much to me. Its just how the player shows himself.

    A_Sock: So you want to post it, post it. Don't just give a warning, make it come now. Cause this is the best shot your going to get, cause as i said before, i don't troll. I don't disrespect, I occasionally make a bad joke, that is disrespectful but in no intentions am i trying to hurt that person

    Me: which you show yourself untrustworthy, annoying, troller , and a disrespector.

    A_Sock: so post it.

    Me: post what?

    A_Sock: Your so called member protest, your so called chat proof.

    A_Sock: no.

    A_Sock: your proof against me trolling. U want to go threw all this and give me a warning

    Me: ima just take action when you constantly do as you please. i will not post .

    A_Sock: To just take action into your own hands is abuse, and is no way right, that is the dumbest thing i ever heard

    A_Sock: Your word is only as strong as the only other 2 co leaders.

    Me: so...

    Me: i can go into jb and i see hacker? and i am not allowed to ban unless i make a request?

    A_Sock: And the people have a right to know what's going on, and have there chance to vote.

    Me: don't worry people will know.

    A_Sock: Can you post the chat anyways, want to let every 1 know how much fun we had.

    A_Sock: Great scene every 1 take, 10.

    Me: oh my don't worry i will post it after action is done.

    A_Sock: No just post this.

    A_Sock: Or link me it cause i closed out at 1 point

    A_Sock: i have like 10lines missing maybe

    Me: the time is not right. i will post when it is.

    A_Sock: Post me the entire chat.


    ---------- Post added at 07:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------


    There is the full entire chat ^ :3 please don't leave stuff out

  8. "Also, Knowing rabid i would understand why he silenced rabid"

    Making an assumption because of the past, Now that is what makes a bad admin.

    Clearly, you haven't changed abit since back than , you're still the same.. You haven't changed abit since i've played with you. So i say what i said. Its hard to believe you because you make it seem like your the innocent one.

  9. Goodbai sir.. Sorry for the problem others have caused you, Soon ill talk with the others and go through all of all mod/admins we currently have and change some stuff up. When you mess with 1 of them, they tend to get there friends and such to help out and get a player to rage out or removed. Or if they dislike someone they'd do as what i just said. Hopefully we'll fix this up. Sorry again for the trouble. Come back anytime because your welcome to.

  10. Ima have to stick with Tarin on this.. If the mod+ ask 1 to change there name if they are copying another player they will have to change it because people sometime impersonate another and goes on a rampage and break many rules and its hard to get the person. But i got a tip on how to remove such impersonaters and that is use your admin menu.. Clearly when 1 impersonate you can see it in the menu because at the end of there name or front there is more space than the original and u can remove the impersonater using the menu.


    Also, Knowing rabid i would understand why he silenced rabid.

  11. if we did swap out ppl without mics, it would lead to either dumber cts or ppl that dont want to be cts, then ud have something like 10 cts having to control 45 ts, and then the autoswap would move ppl from t to ct and they wouldnt want to be ct


    tl dr: it wouldnt be practical


    -1 to the idea


    +1 to a second smaller jailbreak server thats more manageable, i find the 55 slot one slow and boring cause of bad cts, too small map, and simply because the old members of xg loved the old jailbreak where it was like 40 ppl on and it was a lot more fast paced and fun cause we had ppl like aegean, rabid, excision, basically all the oldfags of the clan in it and it was awesome playing jb back then. for me, jb is more about having to moderate and spec the entire time than it is to actually play the game


    That would be nice.. Its just not fun to play in jb with over 50 players anymore, to many bad ct's/warden pretty much getting killed every time by baiting and such. Only problem with getting another smaller jb is .. more moderators would need to split up and more work silence would have to put in it.

  12. If we remove the mic rule, i don't think the jb will go that all well.. since most are often non mic user who controls the rebel by killing them during their attempt or such. Lowering their numbers. Also, usually we swap the first person we know who does not have a mic or the person who knows the rule least as in people who disobeyed or broke the rules.

  13. -1 hes a scrub. He hacks, hes mean , he hates almost everyone , hes a hater. (not really) +1 cause hes smexeh pretty much hopeless and makes funnies... Already knows the rule cause hes legit.