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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. Oscar its a community for a reason, many member contributes on improving the clan. You just don't see that and you rage when you have a problem yourself. And it also seems you think the "Co - Leader Aegean" comes only on css when there is a problem. Have you ever notice why there is a Minecraft Division leader who handles minecraft? And there's Css division leaders? You just don't understand and you rage and rage saying we fail as a clan. You yourself fail on understanding such simple things.


    "Welcome to a growing clan, where we don't consider things "finished" but "opened for improvement."

    Good day


  2. If you guys call this a community,you're VERY VERY wrong. This is not ran like a community, its not dedicated like a community, and you cant deal with sht the right way, you need to learn how to adapt to this kind of ♥♥♥♥. The only reason people don't like me is because "i sound like neteX" and who the fck cares i dont know netex and i dont care, He's a troll I'm not, people harrasing my little brother on surf is offensive to me and should be taken to action. Our own "co leader aegean" cant do sht on any other games ive only seen him on css when hes requested, he doesnt play minecraft. He sits up there and doesnt communicate with the whole "community" like a "community mayor" should do. If you all want to be in this community be my guest. But me getting kicked for something i had no part in. Is retarted. Rabid protested on me for no fcking reason. Rabid kept mic spamming in the css jb while i said if you talk over warden you'll be slain or killed. SOOOO dont go saying that all you pricks cant get over yourselves for something you need to rub off, and for all the sht all of you dumfcks have done to me i shouldn't even be friends with you but you know what I try to get along BUT I CANT BECAUSE OF GUESS WHO RABID RABID RABID RABID " once rabid got back into the clan all this sht fell onto me





    if you dont understand the concept of a community gtfo, this so called "community" or "clan" isnt what the true meaning of xg is the true meaning is a drama team full of dumasses who arent dedicated


    You can't say this if you cause many problem and drama yourself sir. You've been causing many problem by raging and threatening others about them getting demoted and ban. You had this coming after what you kept on doing and i even gave you a chance to change and you failed to do so. You have no right to say this is a corrupt community if you have done nothing to help out.

  3. Nope



    Besides the motd is full if i remember, If we were to add more rules and more detail about mods and such it will make it worst because there is a limit of words that can fit into 1 motd.

  4. Yeah, definitely.




    Continue with this and problem will occur

    Ignore what you don't wanna see and just skip what is posted. You don't have to post anything and let the day go by. It's your decision what you post and what is to happen , the criticizing is caused by what you have done and posted. To avoid it don't bother posting.


    Good day sir.

  5. what if they were moving just outside warday to make it harder for cts to shoot the ts that are shooting back at them? cause that would seem like its participating on the fact that ur supporting ts by making it harder for the cts to shoot back
    Well still i don't say he is participating since hes just standing there , not supporting with anything. We'll have to change up the rules so people can't over abuse it than.

  6. Clearly that is not the only reason he was perma banned. He had done much more in the past and i've warned him already. He just continued and continued with it and than the last straw was when he came into the server with my name,sinceh e stalks me all day , makes an excuse and searched it up and sent us to a wiki of a person. And than added me with the name Duckii A.K.A [my name].

  7. First off your correct on not participating.. but clearly i've gave u ur time. You just stood at the stairs watching the Ct's nothin more for like 10 seconds.. Is that participating to just stand there so and just watch as ur fellow teammates die trying to kill the Ct's. The answer is no. Than onward to the part you fought. - You have stated your rank implying the time you've played saying that means you know the rules. That doesn't mean anything of knowing rules or such. than again u said i don't know the rules well though i've been here since Last year much longer than you and have played jb for quite sometimes.


    The jb server have had their ranks restarted many time and guess what who was #1 me. Does that mean i know the rules very well ? nope it does not. After i've told you to drop it and stop the argument you have kept on going after i've told you to stop. So than i went on kicking you as a warning u came back and said "Oh you can kick me?? Congratz" and than i got tired of it and knew you were going to say something again so i banned you.

    Aegaen will talk to you about this and i will wait for your decision on what you will do.

  8. Well our pub only allows 1 awp per team :P , its simple to avoid awpers which is using the strat of flashing and smokin.. If you go to the same place and get awp all the time its simple they're gunna still be there and should go somewhere else. You say awp is for slackers but if you were not good with an awp you can be easily killed by another player who knows how to handle a gun.