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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. I can't really change the spawn location for humans and zombies unless there some type of plugin out there that does it. All spawn is placed by map creator which could be changed with a simple plugin but it doesn't really effect where zombie spawns. So i don't think i can do that.


    First problem - Is the error saying like "Mission map (Map name" or somewhat like that? If so it's not really the servers fault if i remember, if you already have the map - To fix this try going into steam>steamapp>user>Css>cstrike>map and delete the map and redownload it from the server. If you can't download the map from the server, try manually downloading it from gamebanana.


    Second problem - In all honesty i do not really know about this one, but try deleting the map and redownload it to see if it's fixed. If not try asking around or googling it. Sorry if i can't help you there :p

  2. Map Accepted








    zm_goldstar_sv1 -

    The map doesn't look that fun, The color lights in the room by spawn is not all that great imo, same with the texture of the giant pool.


    zm_exhibit_night_2 -

    This will be added when the server is more populated just because this map is just giant for little people.


    zm_pulse_templeofdoom_fix_fb -

    I don't know if it's me or not but some part of this map kills my Fps so i don't think very many people would enjoy that.


    Rejected maps could be added if more people voice their opinion on them and test them~

  3. If you have read the thread in general i did say that many Ze map will have to have their zombie-time changed due to the map, just post the map name and either if its to long or to short here.


    I increase the jurassicpark Zombie-spawn time to 40? is that enough time?

  4. tomorrow when i have time i will add zm_lila_panic_beach 2, update the playtime map, add zm_roy_the_ship and ze_FFVII_Mako_Reactor_v5_3

    For the rest i will test them since i've never really seen those maps before nor played on them. Otherwise, if anyone else has and could voice their opinion it will be added~

  5. It's not only skins that should be implemented it should be fun things like parachute, golden guns (cost lots of credits but do lots of damage for 1 round), and like add unlimited ammo which you can buy with credits, extra nades, barriers, other types of fun creations. All this IF The server created is Zombie mod, escape would be totally different.

    Haha this is quite alot of idea you got here, but personally i wouldn't want a buy able unlimited ammo status because than it would be a bit cheap because it's going to be a reloaded server so the knockback would be higher.


    Same thing with Parachutes, those may be helpful at time but it gives much more advantage to Humans just because unlike human when you shoot a zombie who's using a parachute they'd be sent flying the opposite direction. But all of the idea isn't bad! Don't want to add to many plugins which will make any side more op than the other same goes for purchases by donators

  6. Well depending on the community votes/choice of either, it will be made so.. If we do not have much support for both we'll try Zm only, and hopefully Silence will allow better custom donator skins and admin skin to have people willing to buy skins that would actually be worth purchasing.

  7. You don't got to -1 the idea of the zombiemod/ze cause there a pub yet.. lol. True that pub was up several times and down, i think it can work if they have regular on the daily basis so it attract other people who loves to pub as well to the server and become regular themselfs

  8. We'd like the community opinion on this!


    The Zombiemod have been approved by silence and the co leaders! but we're deciding to either make it Zombiemod alone or combine it with some Zombie escape! Here's the thing tho!


    If the server were to be both Zm/Zr zombies will have some extra perks such as jump distance/Speed/Knockback rates/ and jump Height With that said, These perks can help zombie quite a bit on just Zm maps if they know how to use it correctly! such as breaking through barricade that is meant to be strong without the perks easily! or getting through small area using the long jump or even reaching you with high jump where you would normally be safe unless they use props/other zombies.


    These perks are meant for Zombie escape to help them reach you guys without having to tele back to spawn incase of glitched and have to run all the way back with normal speed!

    So on the community decision it would be either a Zm or Zm/Ze

    My opinion is on Zm alone!

  9. Yep yep ^ this guys a noob just stating the fact here ~


    Jailbreak tends to always have bad ct's... But for the past time i've started playing jb for awhile there would be atleast 2 or 3 bad ct's baiting and not knowing the rules very well.. and there would be times that no one is willing to be wardens and there would be a full ct team without any mic at all for a couple of round before an admin take any actions.


    Already there's alot of xG member who doesn't even know their own clan motd which makes me laugh! and lastly there would be bad wardens who are kill whores in my opinion! Since they would give order even tho there's someone talking over them quite loudly or playing Hldj over them and would not give T's enough time to ask for repeat and kill them :3

  10. Ctf was fun for the first week but than it just got boring :p, But if silence do decide to make the zm We must Find regulars for it to attract! otherwise it would be dead like any other server, at-least around 10 regular will help it grow~ i shall be 1!

  11. I'm sure xG had a pub server several times but i do support for a pub, just need the people to play in it daily or so! i recommend a 16k pub rotation with several map several unpopular map removed from it and 2 awp a team!

  12. I would like to make an opinion of changing some unpopular server to different mods! such as Deathrun or Ctf seeing how those are usually ever populated!


    My opinion is changing either Ctf or Dr into a zombie mod! I know xG had several attempt on creating these but imo they had unreasonable Plugins that weren't so great and that's probably the reason why they weren't populated..


    Here's my opinion for the Zombiemod server.. Make all the zombie classes like human.. No extra speed or jump. Keep out ridiculous plugins like croch-pistol or jetpacks... make it those classic zombie server! where you cades and survive! In the past xG had attempted to make a Zm and Ze but both failed due to (In my opinion) Unreasonable plugins that made either 1 side or the other Op. And for maps Add some popular ones like Zm_Day_lego_v2 or zm_4way_tunnel_v2. And my last suggestion is get some nice Admin/Donator skins maybe even member skins for them :3


    If you do ever decide to create the server here's what my recommendation are for the setting and zombie settings -

    zombiereloaded.cfg [ZombieReload CFG]

    playerclasses.txt [PlayerClasses]

    ^Disabled all races in human/Admin zombie..

    It also has Zmarket and Zclass Disabled since all zombie will have same settings but the motherzombie which has less knock back and more hp


    Ill post some map suggestion if this is going to go through.

  13. Indeed i do agree that xG member should have some privileges instead of decrease of payment on buying mod or admin! xG member are just any other players on the server rather they're in xG or not. Tho giving them the rights of an admin is just plain dumb since almost anyone can join xG

  14. I've seen scripters, and I've watched them for awhile and I don't hear a single footstep while they're bhopping. So you're saying it's the spectatings fault that I can't hear footsteps at all? I can hear other peoples footsteps fine.