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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Duckii

  1. Duckii

    how to find a rank

    if ur talking about jailbreak just get on the server and type rank
  2. yeh this game is pretty much banned from the server since it can really cause alot of confusions :P, so not approved.
  3. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  4. Duckii


    there is a unmute plugin if u notice after 90 second after the beginning of a round around it will say All t's are now unmuted something like that , so how do u know this is an admin doing of unmuting spammer?
  5. Duckii


    yes wrong place>_> go to unban request thnx
  6. Duckii


    well if this is true than you will not be getting unban :P
  7. and yeh i know it was froggy
  8. if u mean unban go post it in the unban thread thnx.
  9. seems like a fun game :D Accepted, The more game that people suggest and was approved by the admin the better ^^
  10. lol i would but im pretty much busy with school , but last week of school and im finished ^_^!
  11. lol someones mad, and thats one reason why he was kicked from xG
  12. Duckii


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  13. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  14. gl with the finals :D i have finals this week to haha.
  15. Duckii


    well i was hoping ero would answer ur ban since he was the one ban u yet i have know idea why since the reason was for abusive, also with this guy he was bannd by silence for advertisment
  16. Duckii


    first off that not ur steam id lol , second u were banned apparently for advertisment, your steam id is like some what : Steam_x_xxxxx easy to get , enable ur console if u haven't while in game type Status and look for ur name and ur steamid should be by your name
  17. Duckii


    if jr was there and notice him freekilling i think he'd slay/kick/ban him
  18. mkay thann.... hes banned for 24 hours
  19. sigh~ how am i suppose to try every single one of u out >_> u just find a server since we dont have one and ill try u guys out either 1 b 1 or 2 v 2 to test ur listening , strats , and shooting
  20. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  21. haha lol maybeeeeee
  22. Duckii


    guys he joined like what back in december or so in 2010 and he had alot of stuff to do so was really inactive and u guys are new so u wouldnt know him
  23. Duckii


    he was with xG for awhile but had to go do somethnig for awhile , and i do not know now sine last t can't rebel and lr has a lr option for rebel >_>
  24. aram is just really annoying and trolls to much
  25. Duckii


    sir lego is a great map thats why everyone votes for eet , now why would u remove a loved map?