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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Duckii

  1. Duckii


    hahah yeh got that but never knew it had that , i used it for translation. Also Closed ~ since ur were only banned for 30 minute and please don't disrespect / ignore admins thnx.
  2. idk i never lead im just a member of eet lol , every scrim i play as its a normal game and they get mad at me for not listening even though i kill half of the team haha.
  3. lol... whos leader
  4. Duckii


    first off u ignored me when i told u to change ur name and i kicked you for it , ur name was "You want to know whats gey? xG" i took that as a disrespect to us, when i had told u to change again you said okay the next thingu change to was "You want to know whats gey? Duckiis" and i took that as a disrespect apon me and apparently its not against the rule? i took it as a disrespect and u ignored to change so i decide to ban u, and the ban was only for 30 minutes . if u are to continue with this it will be longer i've changed the gey since its sensored
  5. its not implied :P , u may cheat unless told not to
  6. well we dont even have that much people that wanna try out so dunno
  7. hmmm well im getting 2 people saying that he is in fact a freekiller / rule breaker?
  8. Duckii

    At School?

    lol well this is random , my school blocked the website after 1 use of it.
  9. well someone can take over the clan if they would like :P it started when rabid asked me to join but than later on i lefted it , but yeh you can have someone to take over or u can just remove the tag.
  10. Duckii


    hmmm, maybe read this before actually posting a thread like this Xeno Gamers
  11. After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  12. Duckii


    what i wanted to ask :D lol
  13. lol yeh your not going to get admin by just asking for it u got to work for it, each week theres a promotion and demotions and ucan be promoted by being active on forum/mumble , also you can alway add me im usually on. If there are freekiller we still have a ban request sitting on our forum waiting for reports
  14. We have carefully reviewed your ban protest and you have been unbanned! We hope you don't get banned again! Thank you and enjoy your stay at Xeno Gamers!
  15. Duckii


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730
  16. lol what? i just noticed my post :P and we do have rules about ct's wandering off if i remember... they must be actively watching / staying with wardens or doing orders or they'll get ct banned
  17. pretty much lol , usually if the ct team has alot of them not knowing what to do they will die quicklyand the round will end quicker... if u got like good shooter / listeners with a good warden they can keep everything under control but most of the good shooting / listeners don't have mic's
  18. Duckii

    PG-13 Rule?

    well i don't know about admins theyy seem to not being there work and as i heard that each high rank admins are being assigned to moderators to teach them when , and how to use admin ?
  19. well i thnk it should be limited to and lift where warden may invent new games but with an approval from admin, because ss and FrLr are getting boring and is played everyday .
  20. We have carefully reviewed your ban protest and you have been unbanned! We hope you don't get banned again! Thank you and enjoy your stay at Xeno Gamers!
  21. well if i remember that it was allowed during joke day if approved , otherwise in general rules that no racism of any kinds are allowed
  22. hmmm awkward.... u got 2 ban history both of freekilling, and many people have said "I let my brother play" and apparently they freekilled.
  23. "on the week ban for hldj it came straight for shikaku's mouth." srry what? well i think donators have the ability to avoid mute because they helped the clan and was rewarded? , you can't just kick him because hes able to talk before other t's are able to but if he's spamming over wardn or some what just warn him , if he continues kick him , after that its a ban, But otherwise don't kick cause he's able to talk before other t's :P.
  24. Duckii


    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers! Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process. Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban. If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble. Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730