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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. mkay john ur unban for now, but you were makin it seem like disrespect so try not to do, Also rabid thats not enough proof showing that she had abused so stop makin these pointlessthreads about her abusing if its not enough proof or reason , this is just a spam thread so please stop.


    Also , Don't lie to Admins and waste there time or cover up for other players because it will get you ban as well, Griefing is Grefing if you are to tell her that someone griefed your place and she comes and see and thatperson was going to get banned don't try to cover it up or lie for them because if they grief its breaking the rules and we don't want rule breakers.

  2. well lets say that you were banned from mc.... you talked with her ... and ^ after being banned and talking with her , that could be tooken as disrespect for ban

  3. zoid if u were paying any attention to those ^ up there she did not abuse , technically she took it as prbally a major admin disrespect?

  4. well all i can see in that picture is that she came to check and he said nvm but grief is a grief so they don't allowd that, when she said he's still in trouble he should be for griefing? but than fudge said he lied about it. Don't believe you should lie to admins and waste there time.




    We have carefully reviewed your ban protest and you have been unbanned!

    We hope you don't get banned again!

    Thank you and enjoy your stay at Xeno Gamers!



    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble.


    Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730



    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble.


    Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730



    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and Mumble.


    Our Mumble IP is voice.xenogamers.com:8730

  9. I've been getting reports from people that Admins are not paying to much attentions to freekilling / rule breakers , we need to start paying more attention with these problems so than we can make the clan look much better for more players to than join and help out the clan.


    Fair judgments - Admins need to start being much more fair with players of our servers and rule breakers. Many people play in our servers and many could have been new to the server. Do not ban them right away for breaking a rule as ct or t , let them know what he / she did wrong and to tell them to read our motd so they would not break a rule again, If they ignore you or still continuing what they are doing kick them as a warning not ban them as many of you have been doing, We also still have an admin handbook so please read that before perma ban someone or banning them over a week for freekilling. Example : A new player have just joined our game he had never played jailbreak before so he went on Ct and started massfreekilling the T's , no one had told him the rules or how to play this , after someone talked to him and told him of our motd and how to play jailbreak he stopped with the killing. - as of this do not ban right away just ct ban them for a day and tell them the rules and how to play , you may only ban them if they were trolling / freekill and fled, These should be the only time you should ban them.'


    Hackers - These people may be banned right away under the agreement of another admin so that no mistake have been made. A few admins have mistaken players for hacking and banned them when they were not actually hacking and they never bothered our servers again, So please make sure they were actually hacking and have another admin with you to see it.


    Admins Should not warn Hackers to turn their hacks off.

    No matter what Admins should never warn a hacker to turn off their hacks, This could cause problems for admins to ban the hacker because they will change there names and impersonate another player of the server and the admin could accidentally ban the wrong player. They could keep this going till you ban the right player, This had happen already and We wish this will not happen again. If you see anyone hacking at all don't say anything to anyone or say your an admin, Get another admin in if you can and let that admin spectate the player and you both will agree on if he/she is hacking or not, If you both agree they are hacking ban them right away without warnings.


    Rules - Please start enforcing the rules of the servers and warn rule breakers, We had to many people that have gotten away breaking the rules if this continues many other players will think its okay to break the certain rule without having any consequences. If any Rules you would like to change , Remove , or add let us know and we'll decide if we'll change it.


    http://xenogamers.co/showthread.php?t=485 - Admin handbook

    I hope we can become much better and be fair with other players. :) thnx for your time.

  10. well if you have problems with him just start a thread in member protest , if this continues notifiy an admin since it seems as if hes disrespecting him , Just cause he can kill don't mean he has any skills and hes saying all these stuff cause he got lucks shots? well anyways we do have a member protest where you may protest any member but with a good reason to back you up. If the protest is successful he'll be removed from the clan but not the servers.