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Posts posted by Duckii




    You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!!

    You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated.

    To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name.

    Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank.

    Have Fun!!!

  2. First off umm never they have Enough time to give orders within 90 second Where All Spamming T's can hear orders, So ct's can say talk over warden your dead and if they do so they could be killed and have no reason of raging since its there own falt for not listening

  3. lol i hope you know that its really against the rule to rebel as a Last T now, So becareful if other admins know of this rule "Probally not"

  4. he was promoted to moderator of Cs:s if you have went to home than click on promotions and you'll see the promotions and demotions weekly , This is announce every Sunday at night.

  5. yeh silence ill try to get a ss of them acutally killing someone with bomb, As yesterday you may ask Aegean while i was watching a T was not listening to order and was standing still so Aegean blew up and killed him some how i do not know if !rules is glitched , not, or they used !bomb some out but im pretty sure he killed that T, So i asked him and he said he did it because he wasn't listening to order never told me how he did it >_< lol.

  6. your probally talking about jr since i haven't really played with you lul.. But yeh give jr a few days or so to learn since hes new to admin , I'll help him how to use and decide when its right to use admin.

  7. Well you should have known since its absoulute abuse to slay everyone within the game, Even if it was the last round you have no right to slay everyone at all , the only time you are allowd to slay everyone is - Permission from Silence , Everyone is camping delaying the game "Example " - T's hiding where Ct's are unable to find and Ct's are just playing with the map" at this time you may ask silence to slay them for delay, otherwise you have no reason to slay =/. So please next time don't do anything like this again, So i guess If silence read this he'll decide what to do.

  8. i still consider places that though it may be far from spawn but still hitable wouldn't be allowed , i also think we should probally try to get an afk bot onto surf dm for those who afk to long will than be moved to specator so the game can move on, So theres not much to change so if u want something change give us the rule and explain the reason ... Example - "No Spawn camping" - would be unfair for other team because they cannot get you

  9. Right now apparently Ct's have bombs and they can actuallly blow T's up thats close to them which wouldn't be so great because than they can acutally kill alot of T's blowing themself up by them, Also The Auto swapping is not doing well because T's are being swap to Ct's and they wish not to be a Ct and swap back to T and this is happening constantly .


    Hope you could fix these problems :)

  10. Well it seems you don't understand , When he Say "Simon said freeze" You stay completely frozen until he acutally say unfreeze if u have been listening to many other players using this they have been doing as i said by trying to tarp and saying "Simon said jump" after having said "Simon said freeze" And a few have jumped and so those have been killed. The other order does not override that order. It doesn't matter if he says another order, if your not understanding than i don't know what to say. The whole point of Simon Said is to trick T's so than there will be less of them.

  11. If you guys have been reading other threads silence have alrdy said there will be some demotion and promotions being made this weekend also i am usally on but noone seems to ask me to come in and help >_> i don't know why many of you guys are complaining since im sure some of u acutally have me on friendlist but nvr seem to ask me to come in so try not saying you tried to get an admin in if u nvr really asked.


    Also, I still don't think schedules aren't a good idea , i know we admins have jobs to do and protect the server but we can't keep doing that because sometimes we get bored and wanna take a break and play some other games instead of being on a schedule at a certain time just to watch over the server, Recently there wasn't many Ban Request but many Threads about "Not Enough admin" or "No admins in the server" Instead of complaining about this and starting these threads mabe you should report the players who constanly breaking the rules and follow the format and have a great proof of them doing it, than we could acutally decide by than and ban them without having to come into ther server.


    For now i believe many who have me on friendlist is usually on server so who ever does just let me know when u need me.




    You have been rejected to join Xeno Gamers!!!

    You are not part of a growing community where members are not cheated.

    To begin, remove [xG] from your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name.

    Have Fun!!!


    I Haven't Really play with this guy but reason hes not accepted because He needs atleast 3 Vouches from our members.

  13. First off... If the warden say when he say go take onestep out that is not tarp at all if u are listening... He can only turn that into a tarp when he say something similar to that word or just say something like "Do this now" ~Basically a tarp is tricking and that order is not tricking anyone.


    Second , If any Admins are abusing just get proof of what they are doing than report using the right format at Admin Abuse tab and there we'll discuss this and we'll decide what to do than, Also as for Players you may do the same if they are repeatedly breaking the rules after you explain to them the rules just report it to Ban request with proof and and follow the correct format.


    Thirdly , I Believe that all admins should know the rules by heart and try to remember them so there will be no problems when explaining them, But otherwise if they are to breaking the rule tell them they are breaking the rules and if they rage and ban or so what make sure u have proof of your conversation with them and than you can report and we'll deal with this


    Last , schedule? Why a schedule i don't think That would work out fine because many of us are probally usually busy and won't beable to do that so try adding a Active admin , You alrdy have me on friend list? Im usally on during weekdays probally 3 ~ 10 - 12am Est time max on weekends 11 ~ 2am - 5am max just Message me if you need an admin and ill come in and ill help out.


    Srry For all the problems but hopefully we'll fix it soon enough, :)

  14. Stop with these More admins on we're pretty much dealing with this alrdy, Also we still got ban request instead of posting these and just watching them break rules report them

  15. lol well try adding someone as admin and than you can call them in when u need them , You can probally add me since im on alot but don't have time to really to play right now because i got E.O.C's coming up in about 2 weeks so at most time im studying and others im taking break but ill be on steam and will respond if u ask me, But after thats over ill be on the server about everyday