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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. ummm.... im Pretty sure that Ct's cant have bombs....... so i dont think that would be possible also let the warden kill a few of the spammers and the others will probally quiet down we do not need more active Admins at this moment because we got enough and mabe many just don't want to be in a server that crashes alot because of the new update ect..


    -We have Alrdy extended the Mute for T's at the beginning of a round to 90 Seconds Which is plenty of time for Ct's to give orders, So by than i don't understand why They can't handle T's if they gave the order "Don't Talk over warden" at the beginning of the round which would probally help them.

  2. if the Warden were smart they would say "Talk over warden your dead" Soon many T's will start going silent but the t to spam would probally be killed and this will let the T's know they shouldn't mic spam unless they wanna get killed lol

  3. well you don't really need to know whos taking over the division for now that will be handle by silence, He'll probally promote someone to division ldr and announce it on promotions and demotions tab on sunday

  4. yeh becareful don't take action till you have enough proof of him doing something , like silence or so said that admin should not take action on words but seeing it themselfs as for now someone is trying to get kaka banned so pretty much if u find out who it is trying to do this ban them for a week hope they learn from this, IT's not right to be banned because someone hates you.

  5. we do have surf admins sometimes but whenever u need me in it just let me know and ill watch for awhile, Also for demo all u do is type into console "Record [name of demo]" ( Without the [ ] " ") and there it will record what ever is on your screen and to stop just simply type stop into console the demo should save to your counter strike folder as the name you place and to bring it up type Playdemo name

    or you can type demoui into console.

  6. well first of all i don't remember you admitting to it you made up 2 lies which is really bad to do when trying to get unban so i dont know, ill think about it don't know if i could trust someone who lies

  7. well first of all if you want new maps just find a decent map that you think will go good with the server and post it with the link to the map on map request, Also ill try to watch Surf sometimes if i could but the last time i did i got to many people screaming at me for slaying them because they came into spawn or above spawn and killed the players and when i slayed them they yelled at me saying they didn't leave spawn in time? even with spawn protection there is still frost pistol and ice stab to stop the player from leaving spawn so ye....


    I'll come in by sometimes, Also snoopy there is ban requestes... Just get some proof of the players doing it just ask them to stop and if they constantly continue call in an admin , If there is none that you can call on head into Jailbreak and ask the admins there since theres usually admin there everyday or you can just report the players with proof and steam id and we'll ban them for a while.

  8. i would if i could but i can't really unban anyone that was banned from a different admin i can only unban players i have banned so for now silence or shikaku will have to decide on your ban but your banned only for a week so if they don't reply than you'll be unban after the weeks up.


    But pretty soon im sure we'll fix up ban managment so than people who is protesting could be answered sooner.

  9. kbs please get evidence of this because u report alot and every one has no evidence in them


    Also , Arthman if he flee you can perma him by using the "Ban Disconnect" This option is for fleeing players just go to it and look for that freekiller and ye




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    Sorry i was waiting to see if anyone is willing to vouche.

  11. well first off we don't give admin out to players who are not in our clan , If you would like to join xG please make an application and follow the format under member submission , Second We'll decide who gets admin and who doesnt with a promotion and demotion rank system , so you'll need to work your way to admin if u would like admin :)

  12. go into your file and delete the map ur trying to download and retry and it will redownload the map and i believe the fpsbanana should have the maps just type in the map name in to google lol....

  13. also... if u see peolpe breaking the rules alot just get proof + steam id and report it to us than we'll deal with them , We're lacking admin in the server because not many Admins play in surf but jailbreak probally either population or they just don't like surf




    You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!!

    You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated.

    To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name.

    Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank.

    Have Fun!!!




    You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!!

    You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated.

    To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name.

    Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank.

    Have Fun!!!

  16. if u can edit your post into this template...



    Your SteamID:

    Your Nick Name/In-Game Name:

    Reason why you were banned(If you don't know this put n/a):

    Why should you be unbanned?: