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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. Rage you should probably stop posting the same exact thing in majority of the threads, We'll handle it.. if its in the wrong section we'll move it. Therefore stop lol.. I mean this can be part of the community for those who actually plays Rs and want to do a Get-together with other Members of the clan who plays.

  2. why the proof if its already on the forums, pretty much all his post are the same stating that the thread is posted in the wrong section.. ;p just saying

    General is getting that's 1 of it i found,

    https://xenogamers.com/search.php?searchid=237025 - these are his recent post, majoritiy of it are the same thing.. so theres the proof that i gotten for jay.


    Imo, i consider these as spam. Seeing how most people don't mind most of the post such as the Rs poll.. ect. Soo, i'd just say we ask him to stop with these cause there is no real point of it.. Ex: Member application created in General section somewhat of a thread like that he could probably post in.

  3. Project? that involves cheating lol, cs:go or css it doesn't matter what division it is, if you're cheating its a perm from the clan. I never knew someone could actually join someone else local server over cs:go o_O

  4. Can we permanently forum ban rageway for posting the same thing on like 10 threads?

    And thus what he had posted is correct, Keep all threads in right section on the forums, this is pretty much a goodbai for the time being.

  5. People should really study the meaning of "Mass" 2 or 3 kill are not considered mass freekill therefore shouldn't result to a perm unless intentional and was slain before more was killed. Tho i may say that it can be either a 3day or 1 week ban for the time being, so that he may read over the motd and learn from the rest of the Ct's who know what they're doing.

  6. ADDITION(?) - This is not a slayable offense, unless Last CT is initiated or the "Camper" is within an area that prohibits camping IE. Wardays, Vents, Armory, Cheap Spots deemed by a mod/admin. Ts may not camp if it means Delaying the round any further. Doing so Will result in a slay. (IE. Two terrorists left, one is camping and is therefore delaying the round.)

    That i can agree on if there is only 2 t's left and 1 is camping, i'm sure T's could camp in the beginning and such for awhile just to avoid being shot to death by ct's that's still waiting.

  7. Alright, seems like this thread is just causing an uproar.. @@WhyJewMad has suggested to stay away from eachother which is a great idea! Most problem seems to be resolved and thus more not needed.

    This thread will be closed, Action will not be taken but i must say "Do not insult another division on Teamspeak nor Forums" So no problem will arise. Anyone who can't seem to understand this will be temp banned.

  8. YOU yourself told duplolas to leave her alone. Dup never even told her to go away.

    In all common sense, being removed from a channel from that person is like being told to leave. She was moved like whut 10 times? but continue to come back. I've already told them all to leave her be, but i have nothing to do if she starts messaging them.

  9. -1

    For one of many reasons:

    1: You have to come in to HER channel to actually piss her off and even still you have to be doing something stupid in the first place.

    2: YOU duplolas, we don't like your division because it is a waste of time. It got terrible reviews and to actually argue to WEATH OR NOT IM PLAYING THE GAME YOU ASKED ME WHAT THE DEVS NAME IS AND HOW MANY CHARACTERS I CAN PLAY? I do not think that is for one mature enough to be a div.

    3: As YOU SAID YOURSELF there is a mute button. DUCKII told me the same.

    4: Stay away from her? It's not a problem if you do that.



    Deo and aubri did NOTHING TO GET PEOPLE TO TROLL YOU. That was the trollers choice not theirs.

    And she normally stays in my channel and I have NEVER heard her bash your division.


    Even if it has terrible review, doesn't mean you have to hate on it.. If you don't want anything to do with it don't interact with it than cause there is no reason to. It's fine if they stay away from her, but its not fine when she comes into the warz channel room 1 and was removed by div leader but constantly came back.

  10. Agreed with Brian, don't see why Ct's has to be within an area that has more than 1 entrance during freedays.. i mean they're being swarmed by T's from all directions lol, Also, T's should already know that when they're not suppose to be camping and where they camp so they should be slayed without warning..


    2nd rule - that would be nice to add since not everyone is getting what

    means.. so just adding that would make it more understanding and people won't argue when they get slayed ;3

  11. Alright, lets get this straight. Like i had said before and i am repeating it now.

    If something is not stated in the motd, it must be stated within in-game.. meaning you have to tell them to take a step out otherwise it will be invalid orders. Even if several admin/mod were to follow this, it doesn't mean everyone will.

    That's that, And on to other matters that's been popping up in this thread as well. Newly css mods do not get powers within cs:go, those who have power within both has had it and was approve of, otherwise it would have been removed. If you want powers in another division you must apply for it.


    For now this thread will be closed seeing no evidence of such for protest - If you come with evidence please let any forums admin know to re-open this thread and post it instead of creating a whole new thread.


  12. Well i understand that, but it seems there is still problems lying between the you and the Admins/DMs.. anything that is being changed/removed/added has to be discuss with them so they can voice in their opinion and objections instead of having someone being a dictator and changing as they please.

  13. Well, not everyone has the knowledge or skills to do so, and they look up to the division leader who they expect to have such knowledge and skills, so they're raging that he doesn't. People are not willing to take the time to learn cause they just want to enjoy the game.. why do they need to do such things? they're here for some fun not to learn how to code/manage a server, this is left up to the DM and DL not the regulars/mod/admin. If people are willing to help, we'll be delighted.

  14. i don't see what you're getting at matsi, i'm pretty sure aaron is an admin of the CSS division not CS:GO unless i am wrong. So admins of css division shouldn't be able to override mods/admins within another division.


    If something is not stated in the motd, it must be stated within in-game.. meaning you have to tell them to take a step out otherwise it will be invalid orders. Even if several admin/mod were to follow this, it doesn't mean everyone will.


    Anyways, this will be closed if there are not proof of such action nor proof of reasons to protest this memeber. This will be kept up for a little while longer for discussion, if no proof is shown this thread will be immediately closed.