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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. heres the detail of this order - "outside your cell you ish a rebel" - this order retstricts u from hopping cells once u go out ur cell ur a rebel and they can just walk into ur cell and kill u okay unless there is a rule that allows u to cell hop otherwise you can be killed so please don't complain he hunts u down in ur cell. You may cell hop but u risk the chance of being killed .


    All who read this now please just follow the template don't protest a member of what he/she wrong unless u got evidence otherwise don't post thnx

  2. um sir thats the bad part u need atleast 1 admin watching the server like everytime like i do haha to beable to fix the ratio because some people ignore u and stays on the team, so yeah make sure u have an admin as a friend just in case u guys have a problem but u can just contact me cause im always on accept when im at school lol .

  3. hmmm just try getting silence approval of teh sub-clans but at the same time try to recruit members to the clan please and thankyou :) , and i don't think hes implying jews are annoying just saying its a joke that theres a group of non annoying people i think lol

  4. hmm yeh that would be great expand to different games :) but need population on the server so yep right now we're having trouble wif some servers but we can all try to populate them yes? :)

  5. lol im usally on everyday sir :) always on forum checking stuff so usally seem afk but not haha , but we can use a backup team just incase we need to replace a member who has to leave

  6. lul than its just gunna get much harder for ct's to maintain Us T's because the ct team is made up of mostly people with no mic and some people with mics otherwise its like 5 v 20 haha

  7. well i asked someone and he said he gave um kaka warden and kaka told us that he said outside ur cell a rebel after someone gave him warden so a few people rush out right at him so he shot them.

  8. Hm.. i just unban him because i got enough information on him not being a freekill why did u have to ban him again right after i just unban him llama D: can you stop with teh perma ban if they break a rule just ban for 1 week not a perma >_<

  9. he was ban from forum for spamming it but unban from server because i got enough information that says he didn't freekill , i think kaka is only ban for a bit from forum from spamming it

  10. ummm all i heard from nickname was u freekilled and he asked me to come in so i came in and he said u left so i asked people multiple people said u had freekilled and than left when i came in and no its not obviously 1 day ban from mass freekill and disconnecting its a 1 week ban. I'd say not to be lifted unless theres proof of him warden or so because there is to many people saying u freekillled.


    ---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------


    alright ur unban i've got enough information but also u were ban on ur other acc becase of spamming forums so ur ban for 2 days on it


    so please stop spamming the forum as in posting on old threads thnx :)

  11. um who what? someone got banned ? ... hmmm after being ban he raged i guess and went on to jailbreak and massfreekill by the time i got on he had alrdy left... >_<

  12. lol haha ik but the problem is the aim with it but the awesome part is u can kill many people in a line haha :D also it has a perfect aim like an awp aim and no recoil as a shotgun lol

  13. i don't think we need a meeting about admin abusers and rule breakers that all can be solved by admins and high up admins even normal players may report.. so no use in a meeting with all xG member , we have a rule and the rule is to be followed otherwise there are consequences for breaking them .

  14. yeh that sounds great so than people won't be confuse whos wardens because sometimes 2 Ct's gives order both saying there warden so they dont know who to listen to. :D

  15. um sir this wouldn't happend if u atleast tell them that they didn't listen to orders :p, otherwise u expect them spamming admin that they were freekilled so please next time let them know why u killed them .