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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. well we u se to have that rule lol... but it didn't go so well once they are in T's sight Ct's die off fast so i would just say stick with the listen to warden orders rule ^_^

  2. well if u want new map mabe u should go find some and post it in map request ^_^... but new games for the server could be made by wardens with the acception of admins so they may play the game if the admin agrees to it. But we don't really need to place it in the motd because than it would make the motd much larger for now we have common games played within jb alot.. so if u want a new game just get warden to make one that would be fun and is accepted by an admin :)

  3. guys read this rule directly from the motd...


    Prison Guards

    The Prison Guards, or CT's, must follow all orders given by the Warden that are directly pointed at the CT's. For example, if the Warden tells the CT's to stay away from the T's, they must follow. If a CT is unable to follow the orders, he or she will be slayed or Team Banned


    ^^^^^^^ they must follow the wardens order so if the order of the warden is all Ct's to watch the T or go pursue one they must follow it unless its something that causes them to die.. so yeh

  4. well.. like i said we'll discuss this soon ^_^ if u guys would mind makin a post about Some Jailbreak rule changes or added mabe silence can look over and change a few in the future but.. please just 1 thread would be fine :D

  5. well i should like to say you should alrdy know what the word "freeze" is? it the warden say freeze just freeze completely u may type... in Wardens view moving i would say is knifing... looking around... wasd.... and flashlight.. Flash light spamming is a bannable offence i think someone had said. so yeh its not freekill if they did not follow the orders... people r trying to loop the orders but get themself killed and spam freekill so yeh

  6. if its random place it in the random place haha ^_^... but who really mind about the lasers... to much team killing with the lasers goes on this map so its pretty good to remove it

  7. lol you don't know that hes been playing with photoshop for quite sometime but if u guys gave it a try and learn how to use it and yeh u can make something like that or better haha :D

  8. yeh because... not alot of admins r active haha xD just call me in when u need me im ony almost everyday well yeh everyday haha...but yeh its not like ima sit in jailbreak forever thats probaly what most admin r probaly doing just playing somewhere else for a bit .. but if u need a admin just call one in, we know our job but we can't do it 24/7 haha so yeh we need a break once in a while .

  9. lol silence is going to give someone a heart attack cause of this... like really a random face poping up on your screen and you hear really loud screaming out of no where and u didn't expect it just as in the scary maze game haha