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Posts posted by Duckii




    You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!!

    You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated.

    To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name.

    Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank.

    Have Fun!!!




    You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!!

    You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated.

    To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name.

    Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank.

    Have Fun!!!

  3. lol we just had that discussion haha.... about typing or something for warden mabe ... we vote on who called warden first or when admin are in the server they can listen and say whos warden and they must listen to him unless... that admin is just giving his friend warden

  4. yea.... we've been having that problem for a bit and trying to solve it ... its just people get greedy with their warden power and not let other peolpe have it some times and allways try to argue to the first person who got it and than it ends up giving the T's a freeday

  5. guys lol... He is not spamming to much on the forum as kaka had ... like i mean when u go on the forum u can go pages by pages looking on last post that says kaka over and over.. kaka was actually posting on old thread we went over long ago alrdy lol so yeh.. calm down

  6. Please stop fighting and disresepcting eachothers... He was reject on Silence's decision and thats to it ... if you want to you can ask him why he was denied you don't need to make a thread about it , all i think of these thread is where everyone than just start saying stuff to eachother like now ^^^^^.




    You have been rejected to join Xeno Gamers!!!

    You are not part of a growing community where members are not cheated.

    To begin, remove [xG] from your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name.

    Have Fun!!!

    Im sorry But you were kicked out of the clan and cannot rejoin




    You have been approved to join Xeno Gamers!!!

    You are now part of a growing community where members are not cheated.

    To begin, put [xG] in your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name.

    Remember, if you want to get admin, you must participate on the forum and work for your rank.

    Have Fun!!!

  9. Hmm... I think he could be given a second chance ... I know some of the member are pretty annoying .. as i seen sometime they would actually try to get players to rage which i think wouldn't be a such a great idea.. But if u were being freekilled please report to an admin by typing in team chat @ Freekill this would notify any admins in the server and u can explain to him/her what happend... I hope other Admins are actually looking out for other players of the server and Watch members and try to get them not to troll players because than it would probally make them rage and yea....


    I will try to watch the servers of these stuff and get them to stop but also please respect players if you mind :)... It's fine if its just a joke but if they really take it offensively try not going any further and stop thnx .

  10. not all admins are on the website at late night if they got school like me ... lol by getting their steam id and so on we can actually just ban them without having to enter the server but thnx for reporting.. ill try my best to try to stay up alittle bit longer

  11. hmm... mabe tell me the estimate time this happend and mabe i could just stay up till that to ban these people.. lol but yeh next time please try to get all of their steam id so it makes it much easier for us to catch them.


    Steam id - Bring up console type status and look for their name and it will have a steam id as steam_x_xxxxx or so right next to their name or under




    You have been rejected to join Xeno Gamers!!!

    You are not part of a growing community where members are not cheated.

    To begin, remove [xG] from your Steam user name, and don't forget the space between the tag and your name.

    Have Fun!!!

    Try Earning some Vouches from other member of this clan