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Everything posted by RedB3rryI3

  1. im an extremly old xeno gamers leader. i demand silence! to respond to me rawr how you been! idk your new name asshole! hugs n kisses
  2. I don't really care to tell my age. And silence knows. How old I am so should Aegean
  3. Member Name: RedB3rryI3 In-Game Name: RedB3rryI3 Steam ID: Steam_0:1:16921350 Age: 99 Game Time: Long time Helpful Skills: Great moderator, mature. Ran a lot clans, used to be in council for xg before I quit for personal reasons Played jailbreak for many years, made most successful clan rules for jailbreak
  4. lol yeah thats why a jailbreak should be like 24 slots, instead of 30+
  5. only when im not warden is it 1-20, and mostly only because lr t wins lol
  6. RedB3rryI3


    lol so ur like 2x my age and i barly watch naruto, watch it on the tv only really
  7. RedB3rryI3

    How am I doing?

    omg man your what was i saying your chill just dont be aboosing like voodoo :P
  8. lol :P ok thats fine Don't BE GAY ON S4S beautiful rule
  9. RedB3rryI3


    i watch soul eater and bleach at animefreak sometimes naruto, and a few others :P
  10. only idiots will not know this rule, that a t can kill for baiting, its in the rules, no need to fix the ct can not kill unless seen, its blantant obvious because in the rules theres a t can kill for baiting
  11. CT Rules 1.) NO FREE KILLING/Shooting 2.) Do Not Close Cells 3.) No Camping Period 4.) No Going/Shooting In Vents Unless Seeing a T Go in 5.) No Ordering Crouch Walking 6.) Cts Must Have A Mic TO Give ORDERS 7.) Do NOT BAIT (T's can knife you when you bait) 8.) No Gun Planting (Results in slay/kick/ban) 9.) Free days/War Days Must BE 3 Days apart 10.) Last CT kill All Must Have 4 CT's At start Who were Alive 11.) CTS Can Only Kill If a t has a primary 12.) Cts Must Warn to Drop for a secondary 13.) Cts MUST warn For primary on back (3 second warning) 14.) No Games That Kill All T's (fish barrel, Trust in a small place (isolation) ) 15.) You Must Have seen a t kill another ct to kill them 16.) CT'S MAY GIVE T'S THE ORDER TO FREEZE ( FREEZING DURING GUN CHECK: W,A,S,D/MOUSE MOVEMENTS/JUMPING/CROUCHING [ UNLESS TOLD OTHERWISE ]/KNIFING/FLASHLIGHTS ) ( FREEZING NOT DURING GUN-CHECK: W,A,S,D Gun Check 15 seconds) 17.) YOU MUST CALL WARDEN OR YOU ARE NOT WARDEN - NO KIDS. [T RULES] 1) DO NOT TALK OVER WARDEN THEY MAY BE KILLED BUT MUST FIRST GIVE A WARNING 2.) IF NOT OBEYING ORDER YOU MAY BE KILLED WITH/WITHOUT WARNING IF WARDEN ISSUED SUCH. 3.) DO NOT GHOST OR GIVE AWAY OTHER T'S POSITIONS IF YOUR DEAD - IF CAUGHT = Kick/Ban. 4.) LAST T MUST LR WITHIN 15 SECS UNLESS ON A FREE DAY ( LR = LAST REQUEST = LAST T CHOOSES A GAME WHEN TYPED IN !lr AND PLAYS WITH A CT WHERE LOSER DIES" 5.) KNIFING A VENT OR GOING INTO A VENT IS REBELLING AND YOU MAY BE KILLED 6.) REBELLING DURING LR WILL RESULT IN A SLAY/KICK/BAN 7.) "NO DETOURS AND DELAYS" IS IMPLIED 8.) JUMPING IS A FORM OF DELAY NO QUESTIONS 9.) No Cell Hoping Consider Detouring [ SERVER RULES ] 1) NO GUN SPAMMING ( GUN SPAM: PICKING UP AND DROPPING MULTIPLE GUNS ) SLAY/KICK/BAN 2) NO MIC SPAMMING ( HLDJ, HLSS, VOICE CHANGERS ) KICK/BAN 3) NO CHAT SPAMMING ( REPEATEDLY TYPING STUFF ) KICK/BAN 4) RESPECT ALL ADMINS AND PLAYERS KICK/BAN 5) NO RACISM KICK/BAN ( A LITTLE SLIP IS OK JUST DON'T DO IT AGAIN ) 6) IF THERE IS A PROBLEM DO NOT WHINE ABOUT USE ( @ ) TO TALK TO A ADMIN CALMLY AND THEY WILL HANDLE IT 7) MAY NOT PLAY THE SAME GAME 3 DAYS IN A ROW 8) NO CHEATING OR CHEAP LR'S 9) LAST REQUEST SAVES THE REBELLING T WHEN IN LAST REQUEST THE T MAY NOT BE KILLED 10) T'S MAY HAVE CUSTOM LR'S IF THE CT AGREES\ Now i Put some of THis shit in in like 5 seconds, defiantly not my best job, but i was lazy and going out to eat more distracted, Altering the rules a bit to a bit more of liking less rules and more to the point instead of having the same rule 3 times I Might edit and do more shit later i couldnt find my original rules But Check it out Dawg Its not that bad but still bad
  12. RedB3rryI3

    The Jb RUles!

    Remove The Game Rules there not Good , most dont read those rules, like i didnt, because i didnt know there was any there Warden Should Make up Rules For Games, Example WarDay: If Warden Says your out before 5, then cts can kill untell 5, but if they kill after, they get slayed uless, they are in warday spot how it is now is now, on the rules it says 30 seconds after cells are open, people dont know that rule, so they get killed and complain freekill, so i just want those rules removed so warden has to say rules,
  13. i believe your talking about me arnt ya! ^^
  14. RedB3rryI3

    Whats up

    Anything New Iv been Sick For like a week now, been trying to sleep it off for last few days intense sleep off i had with my mom, i beat her and im feeling much better she seems to be getting worse tho which sucks anyway lemme know whats new
  15. i listen to basically everything :) but i like rock and shit like that pump you up when im playin games
  16. spam ftw! lol sucks i was at work