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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. Otherworldly

    Lucid Dreaming

    I've been trying to WILD for 4 fucking months... And yet, I cannot succeed :c
  2. Oh my god.....my life is complete too... :D THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR.
  3. I believe this is extremely correct.
  4. Holy shit :O I would have never expected...
  5. unfortunately, yes. mostly because they cannot get any. at least i keep my dignity.
  6. Hooray! Thank you for this promotion!
  7. The Entertainment Industry will never be as valuable as the Internet industry. Hollywood's mad and is like "HURR WE NEED TO BE THE BEST AND PWN THE INTERNET. LETS PAY A BUNCH OF MONEY FOR A CONSERVATIVE TO MAKE A BILL" And they did. And now the whole world hates it.
  8. I would wonder how much sex I would get.
  9. Naw, I was just curious. I almost thought I had liver cancer the other day (turned out to be a bruise, don't ask) so then I was like... What if I had a month to live :O
  10. So what if I died? What would YOU do? What would you ASK? What would you want? And anything else! I would appreciate serious statements, but I really wouldn't mind if you post something that you really wouldn't do. It's hypothetical after all :P
  11. i think glenn beck forgot how to masturbate. or really, really, really cannot get any. at ALL
  12. how about a highly regulated and trialed CT list?
  13. i like how you are refuting a -1. if a member of the community finds you unable to be fit for xg status, he has his opinion. in MY opinion, trying to refute it to get one vouch just harms you more showing that you can't handle criticism.
  14. I would love to join this! Count me in! And I'm guessing this overrides the vouching committee right?
  15. Like I said in my edit, it was shelved. This is just trying to convince the weaker minds that "OH ITS BETTER BECAUSE THEY FIX IT" Hell fucking no. We still need to stand as strong as we did before and we always will. Do not tolerate the backwards motion SOPA and PIPA would cause.
  16. I don't have a link, but SOPA is canceled supposedly! Only half the battle has been won as PIPA or the Protect IP act needs to be canceled as well. It's not as known and is a bill trying to be passed under the radar, but luckily we caught it's attention. Keep up the work for those of you that help in fighting against these horrible laws that would be enacted. EDIT: It's been pulled from the floor. So it could pop back in at any time with lots of changes. I say we CRUSH it and NEVER support it. They want to make it better for everyone but in reality the bill will always be the end for us.
  17. No. That's a big fat no. You can go to the teamban list, pull out the reason, and grab the SteamID of the banning admin, and look for it on a steamidfinder website. If you were so curious you could have done that yourself. The bans are a button on the website quickbar .__. That solves 1 and 2. and 3 is just not helping your case >.>
  18. should be a ban protest first of all. and second of all, what proof if this is truly and admin abuse thread?
  19. i'm already married to herpes. get off his dicktits.
  20. Otherworldly

    My Art Class.

    Yay! I love your art class! Tell them Sean is the true Fluttashy.
  21. i be bumping this sexy beast.
  22. I thought Hebrew was a race, not Jewish. I thought being Jewish was being a part of the Judaism faith.