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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. what other map do you get attacked by huge, ravenous bears though.... exactly.
  2. or change it to a rotation server no autos and 1 awp per team limit.
  3. garageband does the same thing.
  4. Jaybreeze

    Sully day

    You never said i am sully, no one has to follow these sully's
  5. Hmmmm cool, you found one song with one weird line that might not make sense, and im pretty sure that was E-40's verse and not Tech's but thats okay too. And your taste is just wierd Uhhh what? Okay emo-ragers, sorry you lost your razor but wal-mart sells em for a dollar so start searchin for those quarters boys.
  6. you spelt favorite wrong, just sayin
  7. i extend an invitation for a tag-team.
  8. stop putting animals in your name. youre not 7 (hopefully) kthxbye
  9. i liked his creativity, im okay with the unban
  10. Play black ops or fifa with me on ps3
  11. My music choice is the greatest here. You all fail.
  12. your not even good at it, im clearly better
  13. I'll teach everyone admin. Go on mumble today at some point and ill give you a rundown of reading materials and we'll role play ;) but seriously... all admins should be active on mumble (mods too), not division leaders though... i hear theyre weird
  14. Ravers Fantasy, Rusko, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, Tupac, Tech N9ne, Nas, basically anythiing dubstep or rap
  15. i heard about this map called aztec once, apparently its deep in mayan territory
  16. memememememme for mac?
  17. regardless, it could still be handled better
  18. I dont agree with any of this, your all handling this situation poorly, on both sides. stop flaming each other of forums you just sound dumb and immature, let a leader or someone with authority comment on it and leave it be.
  19. this is bologna, wooby and that other guy got approved ahead of me. so not easy. i demand something!
  20. Name: Jay Breezy Race: Caucasion GPA: 3.3 Time Zone: East Coast Favorite Game: Solitaire Age: 3 and a half Skills: Something easy Reason to join clan: ....hax Favorite meme: http://chzmemebase.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/memes-really-ash.jpg Friends on forums: Yeah I got 2 now.
  21. why dont we just do normal surf where you actually have to get the guns to kill people istead of everyone starting with awps and m4's
  22. i know lol, i just want like a 20 person rotation server :D