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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Bryce

  1. Bryce


    You dirty roody-poos
  2. Bryce


    Thank you all for the +1's! :D At this very moment, unless I know you I won't accept your friend request unless you're mod+. Sorry. My friends list fills up too fast :/
  3. Bryce

    Ben Dover

    I've never humanized aimbotted lol
  4. Bryce

    Ben Dover

    I did rage aimbot with Duckii.
  5. Bryce

    Ben Dover

    So, yeah. I'm unbanned now, would still appreciate something on this. FOR 'DA LAZEH: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBvNJrrJKO4
  6. Bryce

    Auto Bhopping

    You don't have to bhop for SMAC to detect a script or cheat SMAC - Source Mod Anti Cheat
  7. I'm 100% that if we were in a scrim, either it would be on my server or the other people on our team wouldn't want to kick me off lol :3
  8. This video doesn't have teamspeak, but in teamspeak i was saying something along the lines of "Hm....we're probably gonna win and a few extra points wouldnt hurt" and he was like "NO" then I killed him haha. This was intentional incase people think I accidentally killed him :o
  9. That's why I stickied it my good sir
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyOYJN11i2Q&feature=g-all-u who's gay? you're gay. also, 850th post, bitches
  11. +1 This guy is a faggot and no one likes him.
  12. Bryce


    They asked me to respresent t3k with my face lol
  13. [ATTACH]2017.vB[/ATTACH] Representative from Team3k
  14. darkx89x lol
  15. Oh no, you were in no way a part of this. I don't know why you would think that :/ This is one of the very last times I'll check this forum account, so this will most likely be my final post. Goodbye<3
  16. Haha add me back and I'll re-add :P
  17. Yes I'm leaving lol. And do not worry Serbian, I will stay active on servers and teamspeak as much as I can. I have my reasons which I'll fill you in on when I get home and online.
  18. Goodbye guys, its been fun playing with you guys. I'm going to do a cleanup of xG from my friendlist except for my friends~ message me if you want to be kept on my friends. ^_____^ A few shoutouts.... Aegean - you've been a really great co leader and I'm grateful to have been div under you. Even if we've had a couple of fights I still think you were best suited for co leader than anyone else and you will continue to be an amazing co leader. Also you're bad at dancing. <3 jaykay Serbian - out of the 3 of us divs im glad you got co. I hope you continue leading this clan with your really fast Canadian talking and wolfiness. Billy mays - you play CSS to much and I can't beat you. You suck :c Otherworldly - one of my closest friends in the clan; I know you warned me about this but Im doin it anyways cause I enjoy the other more than I enjoy this atm. I'd like to keep my departure reason to myself so please dont share it. I hope we can stay close friends and if you need me I'll make sure to be there for you. Duckiijr - the same for you as otherworldly. Like exactly the same lol. Word for word. Pyro - you are simply awesome. Whenever you come into the server you make people smile and laugh and I think that's pretty fucking awesome. continue being awesome. Poncher - stay pop punk, my friend. Papichulo(took me 4 times to write this with autocorrect on iPod) - we still need to have our date. E.Z. Kill - You are an amazing dude and I hope to see you stay in this clan and have a fun time. You are an excellent admin, one of our best and I hope it stays that way. I will be keeping you on my friends list for sure. xD Unique - I'm sure you also know my reason for leaving; but it's w/e. I hope to see you around sometime dude :) Rain - You sir, are one of the very very best members in xG. I'm so sad to leave a clan with you in it. Though you're not active anymore, I still remember all the times we had in summer and before and so on. Not many people know you and thats a sad fact, cause they should. Hope you have an amazing time in here. I can't remember anyone else at the moment but I'll be sure to add you later. I love you all<3 Goodbai!