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Posts posted by serbiansnaga

  1. i have exams coming up, so until april 12th, i wont be on the servers nor will i be able to deal with any clan issues or related shit, as of now direct ur problems to either aegean, or the div leaders of whatever division it is that ur having a problem with

  2. @serbiansnaga Eaton centre bbg? <3 ONLY SERBIAN, NONE OF YOU OTHER FAGS ALLOWED... 'cept aegean, cuz I wanna make fun of him..

    maybe eaton centre, but it would be weird though, dk how, and preferably on a wednesday cause subway has sweet onion chicken teryaki as its sub of the day and its 6 bucks for a footlong compared to like 12 on any other day

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    -sealed away in the last great time war

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    -sealed away in the last great time war

  5. first off, dont know how its blackmail when u were a bad mod, its like having a criminal record for something that a person gets convicted of and then complains that its blackmail cause they cant get a job because of it,


    secondly, from the terms and services when u made the forum account:


    The owners of Xeno Gamers can treat any forum registrants as in-human beings. By agreeing to this, you agree to sign away your life, giving it to Xeno Gamers. We may use it when we see fit.


    that is all

  6. uh, this thread was made in december, also, duckii gave him till the end of the day to get enough vouches and he didnt get enough, and check when the posts were made before commenting, also ur vouch is invalid arvelez, you should know better.


    PNFC if u wanna make a new member thread, then go ahead


    denying this one cause it was supposed to be closed 3 months ago


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  7. Lol... okay, I'm done,it's your word against mine, the people who know me know I wouldn't just say anything like that if it wasn't true, I was even planning to make a member protest thread but I was lazy and didn't do it, if you do get mod AGAIN there's something really wrong here.


    hes not gonna get mod, ill see to it myself

  8. -1 bad mod when u had it, freeslayed people and didnt know how to mod properly, spammed the forums, and ur inactive, and ur immature and make rash decisions without thinking them through first, u once complained about an aimbotter simply because he was headshotting you, no mod for you

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    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!


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    -sealed away in the last great time war

  10. sucks that ur leaving taki, from how ive known u from scrim, u were a pretty chill guy, got the other team pissed at ur awping though lol, good luck with ur teams and stuff, hopefully u succeed and ur able to give a shoutout to xg when ur video game overlord lol

  11. just a heads up, aegean is the co leader of the entire clan, along with myself, and the reason why these threads are being closed is because the issue has been resolved. also zilch isnt gonna be attacking the servers ever, so there is no reason to ban him, he was ddosing them before but it turns out that the major attacks were being caused by someone else and that we have a guy who has fixed the situation, u just got to have a little patience in waiting for the servers to be fully operational again

  12. considering the situation with the servers being ddosed at the time and very few ppl being on, i dont rly see any harm thats been done in terms of disrupting gameplay, its pretty much what jaybreezy said, if i were to spam a racial slur in like bhop and no ones on, but someone checks chat logs and sees that i spammed "nigger" or something like that, it would be stupid to post a ban request for racism if it was in a server where no one was on at the time, and come on people, lighten up already, u guys take shit WAY too seriously, if it was in a populated jailbreak,then it would have been a problem but in this case it wasnt.


    and aaron, exercise some common sense, dont break rules thinking that no one will catch you, and dont break rules in the future again


    ill only ban him for a day because it didnt rly do anything to offend people


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  13. the ddos issue will be fixed with shortly, have some patience and to everyone else, stop posting threads about ddos in general, read the other threads before u start a new one


    -sealed away in the last great time war

  14. hey viper, nice to meet you, im co leader of xg along with aegean, about the freedom of speech thing, we're also like that here, as in ppl can post what they think of something without it being deleted or edited as long as it doesnt directly outright insult something or is racist, or has anything to do with politics or religion, in other words, ull be fine as long as u keep politics, religion and the whole race thing out of it, unless it has to do with the academic background of a point that ur trying to say


    tl:dr use common sense when talking to others on forums, but all in all, good to have you aboard, get on teamspeak later on and introduce urself to the others, herp a derp biddely berp